Yeah..i had mental health issues BPD CPTSD depression etc before baby. During my pregnancy it was great no mental health issues at which was odd, as if my brain chemicals had aligned itself. Post partum i got PMDD, ppd and anxiety, still do. I had to go on BC to control my hormones cause it was insane.. its mellowed out but still have episodes but due to my bpd. I suggest you see a counsellor and have your partner support you 100% and friends and family. If it doesnt improve on its own or like get totally bad, you may have to look into SSRIs
It’s really in your hands and how bad you want to turn your mental health around! I did it 🙏🏻 find out what is sustainable for you to keep you happy. The most important things for me were to cut out anything toxic that wasn’t inline with my values. I feel like I have over come so many of my struggles and now I can share my strength and new found confidence with my baby. The biggest thing is to have a strong mentality and to not make excuses for yourself. ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
@Jess the biggest thing is to recognize if or when you can't do it on your own. admitting you need help is not making excuses for yourself. sometimes we can't help our body and brain working against us and it takes more than sheer willpower to overcome it. I'm glad you were able to, but I don't want anyone to think that they're a failure if they can't do it on their own.
Do you have a therapist now? If not would speak to your doctor about your history and ask for referrals. I was seeing a therapist when I was pregnant and continued for a few years. I would say to pay attention to how you’re feeling and what might be a trigger. For me sleep deprivation triggers my depression so I had to lean on my husband to help with night time. It’s great that you’re aware of it and can be proactive in finding resources and help.
Nothing was helping me I went into ppd terrible. I went to a counselor and she suggested I go to church. If you wanna talk more feel free to message me.
so i struggled w anxiety and depression before my first kid and had the worse ppd but i was super young and honestly didnt know what i was signing up for i was 18 and thought it was all fun and games and me not preparing for no sleep and body changes was a lot. i say start therapy before baby and make sure you have a support system cause having no support will also trigger ppd. im on baby 3 and i got ppd again. i didnt have it w my second but its the worse w my third baby and he’s 4 months. just take care of you and do research on what to expect with a newborn
I have anxiety and started seeing a therapist when I was pregnant. I wanted to be established with someone so they could be on the lookout for signs of PPD/PPA etc. my son just turned 3 and I’m pregnant with our second child. I’ve kept going to therapy all this time. I will say that my anxiety did not get worse postpartum. It may have shifted in terms of what I was anxious about it, but it did not get to an unmanageable level. So I don’t think it’s a given that it will get worse. I think having things in place to make sure you do get outside help if needed is the most important thing.
I’m bipolar, I’ve taken medication throughout all of my pregnancies, mine didn’t get worse after and I didn’t get ppd
Sometimes it can be something you can't really prepare for. I thought I would really really struggle with PPD since I've struggled with depression in the past. Instead I'm really struggling with Post partum rage. I was never an angry person before so I never thought to prepare for it. My advice is to take care of yourself and don't be afraid to talk to someone! I see my therapist monthly but it's not enough Sometimes. It's also good to remember there's good days and bad days, when you have a bad day just focus on getting through it so hopefully tomorrow will be a good day 🙂❤️
@Sarah I’m sorry you feel that way 😥 I don’t believe that was the msg I wrote one bit. Or what was asked of us in her post. What I meant by excuse would be, not continuing to seek help because it hasn’t worked in the past. Or giving up on yourself because change is hard.
@Jess when you said your first sentence, it came across very "you don't have to get depressed if you try hard enough not to" which kind of set the tone for the rest of the comment. probably a good thing you clarified
@Sarah I have a small village so I’ll use it, thankyou 💕
@Rebecca I do! I’m currently working with them to help my anxiety and it’s been incredibly helpful thankyou for your honesty and sharing your story 💕
@Ryenne honestly that’s what my therapist has said to look out for so she can give me tips on how to manage! Thank you for your story💕
so, there's definitely a good chance it could get worse. for me, the day after I had her was awful because of this thing called the hormone drop that no one really talks about. I cried at the littlest things and I leaned heavily on my partner. if you have a village, use it. that's the biggest thing that will help save your sanity.