i literally cried the other day because of the amount of hair that came out when i washed and brushed it 😭 and i have thick, kinky, curly hair so it really broke my heart
I dont know if it'll work, but I'm starting to do apple cider vinegar with Rosemary Oil rinses after my hair being washed. I also doing scalp massages with Rosemary Oil to help with itchiness and hair falling out. My hair has gotten soooo dry in the past week or two, I'm starting to apply Oil and braiding it over night -___- if scalp itchiness persists, ill adding a drop or two of tea tree oil to the oil scalp massage
Girl I feel it, the amount of hair falling out is insane. I've been leaving my hair down when I can and it seems to help a little. No matter what my scalp ends up hurting :/ I've also have been using hair thicking shampoo and breakage shampoos. There's also hair thicking masks that make it look like you haven't lost as much hair.
Take time to care for your hair and try to braid it without a hair tie to give your head relief
I don’t have any suggestions but I’m going through the same thing!! It’s horrible