Back pain

I’ve been suffering with severe mid back pain on the right side which I’ve had since my baby was a week old, she’s now 3 months. I’ve had testing done to rule things out and it’s been put down to mechanical / poor posture and strain. I’m struggling to hold, change and feed my baby without my back being so much agony. Has anyone else on here suffered with terrible backache while looking after a newborn and give me any tips on how to feed / change with less pain? I find if I don’t twist at all it’s a lot better. I’m bottle feeding. Thank you x
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I had it really bad too! Agonizing pain, leaning forward or back KILLED. It got so bad i had to get on muscle relaxers and prescription pain meds -- also needing me to stop breastfeeding for a bit. Lifting baby with your hips not just back is a good thing to be mindful about. I also had a wonderful chiro and massage therapist! Try those out if you can

I always had back pain until I started working out. This is the only long-term solution. Your muscles have to be strong enough to hold everything. Now that I'm pregnant and I couldn't work out in the first trimester because of the extreme nausea and fatigue, my back pain is back. Massages, heat (warm showers) etc. only relieve the symptoms but don't solve the underlying issue. You don't have to go to the gym, just check out some simple exercises on YouTube and try to do them 2-3 times a week.

@Avigael sorry to hear you also had it bad. I’ve been given a course of strong anti inflammatory meds but even after 5 days it doesn’t feel much better. What do you think really helped your back heal?

@Meis if you can send me any links of ideal workout or stretches I would be grateful. My pain is mid right and it’s EXTREMELY tight so twisting isn’t an option :( I’m desperate as baby needs caring for and I’m struggling. Thank you x

I learned the exercises in the gym so I can't really recommend any specific YouTube channel. But there must be tons of material. If you feel your movements are limited, it is super important to keep moving as normally as possible. Otherwise it will get worse As you can't move freely, you will not be able to do the exercises properly, so you might need to apply heat first, get a message and/or take pain killers.

@Meis thank you for the advice x

Chiropractor visits and massage really helped! Hope you feel better soon!

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