Postpartum sex

Hi! I am counting the days to the 6 weeks mark to have sex. I have read some posts saying that despite not having vaginal birth, the sex is not the same and might hurt the first time. Can you describe what exactly could hurt? And what to expect really. Thanks!
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I had some discomfort the first time because it had been sooo many months (twin pregnancy I was not up for spicy time 😂) but after that it was fine, just learning to be comfortable with my body again but I have been told by a fellow C-section Mumma she’d sometimes had some aching at her incision afterwards 😟

I waited 4 weeks(when I was done bleeding) yes it hurts but almost like a dry hurt lol so maybe use lube.. I never have had any problems or feeling anything but pleasure until then 😂😂😂

I was 4 weeks pp and it was more intense but in a wierd way, like I was definitely feeling it but didn’t have like a normal orgasm possibly because it had been a while since I had sex, I was so uncomfortable towards the end of my pregnancy and my libido was nonexistent. It was only slightly painful when I had my leg a certain way but just take it slow and find a position that works for you.

I am also counting down to the 6 week mark have been too scared to do anything before then I’m frightened that it is going to hurt and have been putting it off we did try a while back but I had to stop as it was causing pain

I was uncomfortable, the bit that hurt was more my scar. It took till 8 months for my scar to stop doing that. I have full sensation around my scar so I'm not sure if it was just my nerves repairing that was doing it or not as I know many people have altered sensation or numbness around their scar

I found it incredibly painful but it turned out I had hypertonic pelvic floor.

I had painful sex when I was pregnant but once I was 8 weeks pp it felt normal again (I waited the extra 2 weeks bc I was scared lol)

I had to be really really slow/ careful and use loads of lube! I had sex 6 week pp as my sex drive was really high 😂😂

My first time after hurt because I felt sooooo tight no matter how turned on I was or how much lube but it definitely improved over time. It hurt but it wasn’t like pure pain if that makes sense

Thanks all!

10 weeks post c section and still feels uncomfortable sometimes. Buy good lubricant

We did right after getting cleared at the 6 week appointment and I didn’t find any pain, we did take it slow but it just felt great to be intimate again!

I had a C-section. I would say that things are way more sensitive. Sex pre baby was always sensitive for me (I am a sexual assault survivor so anything / anyone in that area can be really frightening sometimes for me)… but since having baby (3.5 months ago) most times the deeper we go the more sensitive things are and it almost feels like pulling. My actual scar is fine, it’s internally that feels different. Before baby I was more sensitive just when things got started and that was mostly because I tense up.

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