You can get this from Amazon if you wanted to try it? Did have to up the teat size though so it can flow through
I use a 50/50 split of Aptamil 1 and Aptamil reflux and it’s worked a dream! Spoken to two different health visitors about it and they’ve both said it’s fine for my baby. The only problem I found was increasing it, when I moved him on to seven ounces, if I did the extra scoop of regular, he was refluxy, if I did the extra scoop as reflux formula he wouldn’t drink it. So I found I had to increase it from 6oz to 8oz so it was again a 50/50 split and just be on the conscious of him not drinking the whole bottle 🙈 but it’s really quite wasteful.
We use carobel on prescription which is a milk thickener mixed in with his normal milk and it’s been a game changer! No constipation either xx