Bottle advice - stressed mum đź« 

My lg is 8 months (7 adjusted) on Sunday. She has 4x 7oz bottles a day and 3 meals. She always drank all her bottles until around 4 weeks ago and now never finishes a bottle. I have cut down on her meal portions, taken away a meal and it has made no difference to her milk intake. Some days we are only reaching 16oz. I have tried dropping a bottle making this 3 a day and she did drink more of her bottles but we still only reached around 19-20oz. Her first bottle of the morning she is now only really taking around 3-4oz and has NO bottles overnight which I just don’t understand she must be starving 🤔 I’m at a total loss on what to do and so worried about her overall daily milk intake as I keep reading this is meant to stay the same until they are 1 as food is for fun but she just loves food. Is anyone else having this? Have you implemented any changes that have helped? She will drink water in the day, only small sips and current bottle schedule is 7.15am 11.15am 3.15pm 7.15pm
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My baby was the same as soon as I introduced 3 meals at 7 months. The formula tub says they need 500-600ml once weaning is established (3 meals and 2 snacks) so I dropped a bottle. He now has an 8oz when waking and then two 7oz bottles. He still struggles to finish the second bottle and bedtime bottle in one go, so I let him finish at around 3-4oz then give him the rest half hour to an hour later, he happily finishes it this way!

Hey! My 8 month old has three- four bottles a day of 210ml or sometimes two 210 mls and two 180ml. She has three meals a day. She doesn’t feed at all between 7pm and 7am. On average she has 630ml of a milk a day. Sometimes a bit more. NHS advice says that between 7-9months the baby may drop down to around 600ml a day so I think that’s ok.

The consultant for my little one’s allergy team told me 20oz (600ml) a day. She told me it could be used to make porridge etc and that counts towards the daily number too xx

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