@Leanne me either and I just didn’t have a clue when or if I needed to up his teat size😂 thank you!
Mines still on teat size 1 as she’s doing okay with the flow, but when she’s starts struggling on the teats then I will up the size x
My kid changed to a size 2 on Dr Brown bottles at around 9-10 weeks as he was becoming really difficult to feed, getting very frustrated and distracted. He still likes to look around at stuff but he's been much better. He is a bit bigger than average (quite a few of his 0-3 clothing was getting a bit tight so we started putting him in 3-6 month around this time) so potentially that's why he wanted the change before 3 months. He's been fine though and not had any more reflux than before.
@Debs I think I’m gonna try my boy on size 2 today.. he’s 11 weeks but he’s also been in size 3-6 since he was 10 weeks.. I’m hoping he might take more of his bottles this way x
I’ve just sized up at 11.5 weeks. Was drinking wayyyy too slow
We tried him on the size 2 teats this weekend! He wasn’t impressed at first and then his first feed he threw up 🙈 so we went back to size 1s but he’s just had a full bottle with a size 2 teat tonight so hopefully we can change him over! Have you made the change yet?
I just googled this the other day! It says they should be changed around every 3 months and they can go to size 2 from 3 months. Didn’t even realise it was a thing until my husband asked! 🙈