MIL and BIL get on my nerves recently. He is the favourite child and whatever he says goes. I have been putting up with my MIL for 2 years. She is constantly judging my parenting. My husband told her to stop before twice. She gets better, and then she starts again. We had the christening of my LO and because BIL got emotional she got emotional and tried to ruin the day! She keeps telling me oh my God when are you going to stop breastfeeding? It's been 2 years. And she is almost shaming me for breastfeeding. Making jokes i will breastfeeding until he is 5. I always say I'm fine with that. I am very shy and not confronting her. She looks after my LO and she watches tv with him very rarely I know but she still does. And whenever we have dinner I let my LO watch tv for 30 minutes until we finish food so everyone can eat in peace and have a conversation with them and she keeps commenting on that. BIL has no kids and started commenting omg he is watching tv and he is not eating etc and she jumps in to agree. I said to her yesterday don't comment when you let him watch tv as well. It's only 30 mins u til we eat. I play with my kid all the time and yes sometimes he watches tv no more than 1 hr a day on a bad day 2hrs total not all together. but they keep commenting. She is almost gets encouraged to comment more on my style especially when BIL comments too. They upset me so much! BIL knows everything he is so perfect and the joke of the store is that he is not married and he has no kids no experience to comment on us!!! My LO is doing well and developing as he should. He speaks 2 languages at 2 yrs old and he is so happy and full of energy. They both upset me so much. I really want to say something. My husband spoke to his mum before but she always act like this saint and that she cares and she is the victim. Nothing caring about shaming me for 2 years constantly every other day almost for breastfeeding pass the 6 months. This is how long she did it so I had to do the same
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Girllll spazz on they ass a couple times and they’ll back off! You don’t seem like a confrontational person, but when it comes to our children, we sometimes need to be.

Girrrlll I went through the absolute same thing just a bit more crazy on my husband’s side of the family. I cute both his mom and brother off and have been more happy since then!!! Limit contact. If they’re gonna judge your parenting and pick on you and your child then they aren’t worth your time! I would definitely have a big talk with your husband and let him know how they make you feel and it will eventually affect your child’s behavior being around people like thay. Family is family yes. But if they are only bringing in negativity then they do not need to be a mom it of y’all’s life.

You should definitely message me! We’re in the same boat. I’m breastfeeding my 2 year old too and need another mom who is going through the same to confide in. I posted something similar a few months back on here.

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