Please remember that this is barely the first step on your parenting journey! My oldest is 8 on saturday (!!) and her baby days rarely register to me when I think of being her mum. Our relationship has already shifted so many times, and she's still so little! It might turn out that you prefer some ages over others, and that's actually fine. I obviously have no idea if you have PPD, but remember that's not the only reason you might need or want help. If you're feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, or if you want to find new, better tactics for parenting, there is therapy, support groups, so many options to explore. Wishing you the best!
Ok also just to say: having PPD doesn't mean you're 'crazy' or even that your interpretation of events is wrong. It's more like, hmm, like you see everything through the worst possible lens? I didn't realise I had PP Anxiety with my first until I had my second and was like ohhhh wow this is super different, ok, I now see how my experience was being impacted by my mental health.
I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough time, it’s so difficult at times isn’t it 😩❤️ you’re doing great though and you’re a very good mum! I feel similar to you in the sense that when there’s someone else in the room baby frowns at me and looks at me all evil 😂 I saw a comment on here that said it’s because they still don’t know that they’re a separate person from you and that’s why they’ll be smiling at others more. Not sure how true that is but it made me feel a bit better 🫣 all you can do is do your best which you’re doing already and things will get easier/improve for you soon! You’ve got this mama!!