Never thirsty

Has anyone else had problems keeping themselves hydrated? I didn’t particularly drink loads before I got pregnant but now I have to literally force myself to drink, I think I’m necking a pint when in actual fact I’ve barley made a dent but I feel like I can’t physically drink anymore. I can go most of the day without feeling thirsty and then realise that I haven’t drunk anything at all. I’m really starting to worry that it’s going to affect my baby
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Ive got a water bottle that i try to keep sipping throughout the day but i forget. I do better when im At work and i have it on my desk. But at home i just drink cups of tea mostly. I just forget about it ! 😅

Yep before and during pregnancy, and I’m diabetic and they say that’s a sign of having diabetes that your more thirsty yet I’m never thirsty, I have to force myself to drink too

@Sophie even at work I just forget!😩 I can literally get to like 1pm and think oh no I haven’t drunk anything yet!

@Kirsty that’s interesting! I’m might mention it to the midwife actually. I’ve never taken any notice of it to be honest but now I’m starting to panic that it’s going to affect little one! I’ve also lost my appetite since being pregnant so I’m not eating or drinking nearly enough!

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