How often does your family eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert) at the dinner table TOGETHER (assuming your child is eating food at this stage)

I’m not talking about your child’s ability to stay at the table and eat…because we know some kids just can’t do this. But more so: how often do you typically find that YOUR family is eating a meal together at the same spot & same time (because I do want to acknowledge that not everyone has a dinner table)
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We eat dinner as a family maybe every few months (at best).

We eat our evening meal at the table every night as a family (me, husband and LB) we all wake at different times so breakfast and lunch are different for each of us. I try have it so one of us is eating with LO for lunch as he eats so much better.

Generally, we do end up having breakfast together at the table, but this just depends on timings etc. Dinner time is always the three of us at the table. On the odd night we might have it in the living room but this is more of a 'treat' rather than the norm.

Everytime her dad’s off work we’ll eat at the table but me and her sit on the floor and pretend we’re having a picnic so she eats more haha

We don’t have a table atm we have quite a small place and we’d prefer the room for her to play than a table, but I eat breakfast and lunch with my daughter i put her high hair in front of the sofa and we eat together. Dinner she has on her own I like that time to sit with my partner and eat once she’s in bed and it means I can go and run her bath and gets her pj’s out and things ready for after x

We eat dinner at the table together every night but rarely breakfast or lunch

I always eat with my toddler and once my 6 month old gets food figured out she will be eating at the same time too. I got a large kids table that we swing over to the couch for meals similar to a coffee table which works for us. With the other parent included is still close to daily but he works evenings so the times he eats dont always line up with ours.

We eat together on weekdays for dinner every night and at the weekends we usually eat all three meals together if not definitely breakfast and dinner. We will usually eat at the dining table but sometimes have sofa dinners or even pot picnic dinners! 😂

Dinner, pretty much daily. Breakfast is weekends only. Lunch we sit at the counter sometimes (a lot of time my son takes lunch in his little bowl thing and goes and eats it while he plays lol)

At this age with three toddlers it’s a hassle but we do it on thanksgiving 🫠as they age and become more civilized we will do it more regularly our dining room is in the area of the home that my tots don’t frequent they need to be strapped while seated otherwise they’re under the table on top of it in the formal living room area it’s just too much right now 🤦🏾‍♀️🫠🥴for this to be our norm, in the casual family area of our home I feed littles standing up its their preference at this age and is easier overall my 3 year old will eat at the table in that section but even he is always getting up they’re tots this won’t come I image until they all aren’t I would have to feed them at a table it’s just too much they’re still very dependent on me / us while eating. One tot is very different from 3🫠 while dining

Generally just evenings depending on if my daughter has brownies or my son has done cookery at school.

At Christmas that’s it. I make the kids food first (they have different) then I make mine later and I usually eat in on the sofa

We eat together daily but it’s usually my husband and toddler at her little table and me standing next to the baby in the high chair a couple feet away lol our table has become my work space but I’m hoping to get another soon so we can actually eat at the table together

Always dinner together. And the weekends breakfast too. Lunch sometimes but kids are usually asleep then so my husband and I will just eat whenever. Sometimes we’ll sit together

@S. annalese why is it every few months for you. Is it because people are busy and working or doing something during that. Or because it’s not a priority. Whenever dinner is made we eat it together right then. There’s not a I’ll eat now and people can eat later. Like of course we will do that if someone is actually not there. But we didn’t do it much growing up and my husband did. So we are trying to make it a priority to do it

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@Gabrielle my 3/7 year old is ready to eat at 6/6:30pm. Dad is typically still on calls at this time or he’s getting ready to head out to meet clients for dinner. Also depending on the season my old child might be at a class (gymnastics, soccer…whatever sport he signed up for during the spring). We typically don’t eat until 8pm—which some find to be extremely late but we don’t.

Every single evening meal we eat together, mum, dad, baby and toddler

Never right now. The babies are 8mo and 2y old so we usually eat in the living room as it’s easier to keep them entertained and we have little tables we can eat at. When they get a little older I’d like for us to all eat at the dinner table. Breakfast+dinner for whoever is home. My sister and I were the only ones that ate together growing up.

During the week dinner always at the table, on weekends my husband makes breakfast breakfast and dinner.

We eat together in the family room often / usually daily but again they’re standing playing etc my husband and I are usually the only ones sitting on sofas or chairs 🫠 if he’s home - I just read the full message

We only eat at the table. Together - is dinner every night. Brekkie and lunch on weekends - we eat out for dinner on weekends usually unless I’m hosting But I cook, I serve on the table, and we eat and chat.

Everyday for dinner. And most days for lunch. Breakfast is a bit scattered

Every evening meal is eaten together at the table. During the week breakfast and lunch we eat at work/nursery. Even if my husband is working late me and our kid still eat together at the table.

Breakfast and lunch my son and I eat together. His dad eats with us at dinner when he is home from work. Days off we all eat together all 3 meals. We don’t do dessert

Every single evening meal during the week. Then when we are all at home on weekends it’s every meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Why would you not eat together? Are you not eating the same food?

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