You can, I do both ☺️
Yes you can, we claim the 15 free hours and also get tax free childcare allowance. Our LG attends full time mon-fri so we claim 11hrs a week (15 hours but spread over 51 weeks not 38) and then pay for the remaining hours, but the government contributes towards that cost up to £500 per quarter. I assume your costs are from the top-up fees for food, activities etc that nurseries charge, so if you create a tax-feee childcare account and pay in 80% of the fees owing, the government will contribute their share and then you can use this to pay for all the fees.
Yes x
Thanks ladies
Just so you know, you have to be working to get the tax free childcare. If you live with your partner, they also have to be working too. Check the guidelines as you both have to earn a minimum amount and no more than £100k each.
Yep :)