Did their divorce address the house and if she had a time limit to get a new mortgage? I think you need to stop being nice and try and force the sale of the house if she doesn’t get it refinanced in a specific period of time.
Why is he no longer entitled to half of the house!! Because she’s racked up debt on her own?! Absolutely not on that! How old are the kids? Are they with dad regularly enough!! What have solicitors said This is wild!
You guys are already going through the turmoil of her “having the power” go to a lawyer for joint custody. Your partner supplying a copy of the financial aid and support as well as taking the kids on your agreed terms will all support your claims. Not only will you guys be better off financially and emotionally your kids will be better for it with security that they won’t be withheld from family
She will never willingly do what needs to be done and will try and manipulate you with the kids. And say you are hurting the kids. She is just taking advantage of you and your husband.
Thanks guys, this is making me feel better just to hear your outrage cos sometimes I think I’m going mad! The lawyer has been silent since October despite his solicitor trying (not overly impressed with his solicitor in need her to get tough!) yes the debt has effectively cancelled out his equity because you divide assets equally: unfortunately we were slightly naive as I sold my flat and bought a house but we are both on the mortgage as needed his salary to get it. He may try force a sale or at least start this process to move her along but because she has children in the house there’s a likelihood this would be refused for now (although I’m hoping her pattern of behaviour when shown in a court plus the fact they have demonstrated they can afford the mortgage between them would count for something). It’s so bloody draining and obvs my kids get dragged into it then, how her kids feel funny about siblings (they really don’t) and how it’s not her fault we chose to have more children 😫
Also yes sorry to clarify we chose to finalise divorce without financial order because she dragged her heels for so long as we wanted to marry. I also think if her kids were front and centre of her thinking she’d have jumped at the house being transferred to them so she had the security. She says her son has huge anxiety but was already telling him years ago that daddy might make us sell the house and might have another family (particularly upsetting when we struggled with fertility) anyway sorry I’m on one now thank you for the vent! X
You need to take them to court
The cheek is astounding! Like so many others have said - you need to get a solicitor, lay out all your evidence and a paper trail and take them to court.
Sounds as though the ex wife and partner both think they are entitled and until a lawyer stops them in their tracks they will continue to abuse your finances. Sorry to hear of your situation xx
Thanks everyone, we have a lawyer I think they just have taken a while to realise it’s not a case of getting the form filled in and now she seems to be responding more like I would expect. Unfortunately he is still named on the mortgage yes as, she wouldn’t have been able to keep the house on her own. We have a paper trail going back years so hopefully a judge can see the behaviour is unreasonable. It always seems a bit doom and gloom in terms of what the lawyer can actually do, it all really seems to be in her favour. The reason given for no access to children is always because my youngest SS is autistic and she says he is too anxious to come - this always coincides with things like this where she has thrown a wobbly. But thanks, I think hearing you all mention court is helpful and I think he knows that’s the way it’s got to go. X
I was of the belief that Once she’s moved another man into the home that you will have more rights regarding pulling back paying. This was the case with a friend a few years ago.
@Vicky oh really? Thanks for that, I thought it hinged on marriage etc but possibly not? Will add it to the list of my own research for the lawyer (they will love me 🤣) I have actually found that it’s likely he can charge them rent (occupational rent) for half the market value and can backdate it from when he moved out so I’m hoping that’s some good leverage x
What are the lawyers saying? The actual cheek of her partner is a joke! Is his name still on it? If not he can just stop paying! I would now pass this over to solicitors/lawyers and let them sort it out you guys have tried and sometimes it needs that person from the outside to get stuff like this sorted x