We got one from the learning tower company which is foldable as well. I like it but I think a cheaper one would have been just as good. It’s made cooking and sorting the kitchen so much easier. He even ate dinner stood at it this evening and was playing with a toy up there before.
We got ours from Amazon I think around £60, it’s the best thing I’ve ever bought and then he had a chopping set with plastic knives for Christmas and loves helping with the cooking! 🧑🍳
Hi just finished assembling ours Bought it because my son is too curious Had to cook while holding him tahta why we bought it We also bought the foldable one from B and Q
We just got one last month and it's been amazing, so much easier to get stuff done, she just wants to be up and helping! Got this one, it's been good, folds down if you need and not crazy expensive as some are! https://www.tptoys.com/products/tp-active-tots-pikler-style-wooden-helper-tower-fsc-r-certified?variant=44109797228709¤cy=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-aK8BhCDARIsAL_-H9mC6Wslr63tHqcydYImRXUS7t3XkJPsM57K51D-D_rHaYw_8vp7Q78aAmnUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds