saw this product when I googled non toxic clean wound care
( I'm used to going to Neosporin for most things, but good to know that non toxic baby ( 0 months and up) products do exist )
Calendula ointment
@Elizabeth Thank you for the recommendation. I did look this up and found it to have hypochlorous acid which when I bought up with my pediatrician, she recommended against it. She suggested colloidal silver spray which again has not necessarily favourable reviews. Honestly I never understand why companies always resort to putting extra goo in baby products. Our babies bodies are so nascent and they get charged with so much crap so early on. No wonder people grow up to have so many hormonal disorders ☹️ Guess I'll stick to applying diluted raw turmeric tincture topically :/
Sterile saline and top with Vaseline ❤️
If you don’t want Vaseline, I like coconut oil too
Turmeric tincture? First thought I would have is a small amount of manuka honey actually
Which is proven to be effective for wound healing, btw
( non drugstore source of manuka honey, but you can definitely find manuka honey in places )
Witch hazel👏 it’s amazing stings a little at first but after it’s clean and hurts a lot less
Oh, yeah manuka honey is safe for over a year of age ( since it's still honey )
Warm water to rinse off any possible debris. Dab it dry.