Solids … feeling like a bad mom

My twins are 9 and 1/2 months old 8/12 months adjusted age . The both have 2-4 teeth the love their pouches and puree , however solids is hit or miss . I can make them a plate of food and they barely eat anything (it’s hard to make them both solids and then clean up them and the mess ) it takes about an hour for solid time . I don’t know if maybe they just aren’t ready . I’m only offering solids (besides pouches / and they eat those crunch puffs and stick) 3 times a week . I just feel like shit seeing that they are suppose to be having 3 solid meals a day 😭 example of one of their plates . (I tare the chicken in smaller pieces while they are eating )
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Some babies just take longer to get the hang of solids. As long as you keep offering it to them, they'll pick up on it. I've been giving my girl bites off my plate, and she gets baby oatmeal. My mom also bought her a couple jars of baby food that had soft solids in them, pasta marinara and harvest turkey.

Food before 1 is just for fun. All they need nutritionally is iron. So I wouldn’t worry about it. They don’t need much at all

Mine is the same way!

Maybe you can make them some oatmeal with chicken bits and veggie bits mixed in. As for dessert, you can cut up fruits and mix it with yogurt or blend them up and handfeed them that. It's faster and easier. Less to no cleaning is required at all. You just need to wipe their mouths when you are done. That's what I do with my son when we need meal time to be fast. He's usually done with everything when I handfeed him in 15 minutes.

My little guy is 9.5 months. Some days he slams his solids. Other days he barely wants anything to do with them. I just roll with it. I figure all I can do is offer it and go from there. On days where breakfast/lunch were a no go for him, I’ll offer a purée or smoothie with his dinner.

My daughter is 9M (8M adjusted). She can eat solids but I don’t give her 3 “solids” meals a day 😅. She gets a “solids” dinner with us, baby purée at lunch, and some kind of baby snack pouch for breakfast. In between meals, she nurses. Part of learning to eat solids is to let the baby explore it. It’s going to 100% be messy. Let them make the mess though—it helps them build a good, stress-free relationship with food and it’s easier to just pick everything up at the end of the meal instead of fighting with them to stay clean during it. Good luck ~

Meal prep is key for us! We boil organic chicken in a separate pot boil organic apples and or pears. Blend them in a blender with bone broth or bone marrow and freeze in glass baby food jars from Amazon in the freezer! They’re good for 2-3 days thawed. You got this! Meal prepping may be much easier for you as well with twins. Then you can throw solid foods on their trays at your convenience

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