Anyone else feeling like they're making no progress with weaning?

My baby is seven and a half months old and we've been weaning for just over a month (waited for all the readiness cues to appear). However I don't feel we've got much beyond the "first tastes" stage. We give mashed veggies or veggie and beans combos and have tried some allergens like milk and eggs. Baby mostly looks curious, licks spoon and grimaces. Occasionally enjoys textures and playing with it. Can't be certain he's necessarily swallowed much at all. As well as mashed up foods we've tried some finger foods. Anyone else in the same boat? Can see people posting on here about several meals a day but even one "meal" feels a way off for us. Baby is otherwise happy, healthy etc, putting on weight, being rambunctious and has lots of energy to roll/ play/ crawl etc.
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Same!! My little one is 8 months and I feel like progress is really really slow. This is my 2nd baby, so compared to my first (who weaned really well! Was having 2-3 meals at this point) this all feels odd. I might give the health visiting team a call tomorrow just to see if there's any advice, but yes my LO is healthy and doing fine too. I guess every child is different and takes things at their own pace

I ditto that Sana. Mine will be 8 months next week. She is not weaning well at all. My 1st..we were on 3 meals by now. My youngest...barely 1 meal. Likes a taste of what we eating but that's about it.

@Barinder ahh it can feel so frustrating. Have you by any chance spoken to health visitor? I feel like I'm trying all sorts

I hope this makes you feel better but just wanted to give my view on weaning.. it literally means to help someone become “accustomed” to something so I interpret that to mean something that is a gradual process. Babies main source of nutrition is milk until 1 years old but I think there’s a lot of pressure for them to be “eating” 3 meals a day. We started BLW at 6 months and I’ve sat my little girl down for tea (the meal I could commit to) and she’s done lots of exploring of the food and she really enjoys sitting at the table with us for meals. She occasionally swallows but in the last week or so she really seems to be getting it now (8 months). There’s lots of skills to learn before actually ingesting food but for me, the main point of food should be for enjoyment!

@Sana no I haven't. She is happy otherwise, so I'm sure she will start liking/getting more interested with food as time goes on.

For now I am letting her lead and not getting overly stressed about it. Like you said at their own pace.

(Sorry I’ve split it in to two). I would keep doing what you’re doing, offering baby mashed options and finger options and just see it more as a play session with no pressure to eat anything. Weaning should be a gradual process, not an overnight thing! For our generation of Mums it is SO HARD!We have so much exposure to other peoples lives it’s so easy to be constantly comparing 🤍 babies are not textbooks, they’re little humans with their own likes, dislikes and quirks. You’ve got this and so does your baby 🤍 sounds like he’s thriving - I absolutely loved rambunctious being used to describe him 😂 x

No you are right Olivia. Just have to go with the flow. Babies definitely pick up on when your stressed and play up more. So I let her be to honest for now. Thank you for you advice x

@Olivia Thank you for this 🙏🏻

Remember food is only for fun before the age of 1 it’s all about getting them used to textures, taste etc. I make my LO pancakes most mornings and she will more than likely play with it for awhile then feed it to my dog lol

Yeah like everyone has said, don't stress. Mine still likes purées from the pouch. He looks at it and knows exactly what it is. When we started I made my own purées but he started refusing food and i was getting a bit down as I thought it's wasted effort. I might have been inpatient but the pouches are working for us and he enjoys them so I'm sticking to that for now.

We’ve done baby led weaning with our little one and some days very little food is consumed but it all over her face, head and hands and other days there is definitely some going in as I spot it in her poo the next day. Just have fun with feeding them as their main source of nutrients is milk till 1. It is easy to say and hard to do as you worry so much. But you are doing a good job Mumma. Xx

My daughter's solely on milk still she is finally showing an interest in food but she just wasn't ready and still isn't really. We do a taste or two every few days but beyond that she just doesn't want it.

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