@Jess 🌺 congratulations!! My son is already in nursery, he started in September last year and is loving it. I'll probably keep him in nursery the 2 days a week when baby is born so I can spend that time one on one and then the other days we can do something together while I'm on mat leave
I had baby number 2 in December. I had so many worries about how my toddler was going to feel but honestly she’s taken to being a big sister really well. Make sure you include them in everything you do. When changing baby always asks for them to help you get the wipes out for you or get them to change a dollie at the same time. It seems so scary but honestly it’s so magical and it’s strange but you do find time for them both it will all come naturally and you have nothing to worry about🩷 you’ve got this!
Going from 1-2 was so hard for me. Toddler found the crying hard. Little one is now 11 weeks and his brother adores him now. It makes it easier with him being in nursey 3 days a week. My advice is make sure you have support, husband, family or friends. Batch cook. You will feel guilty, that’s ok. Once you find your rhythm you’ll be able to allow 1:1 toddler time etc. we bake cakes or play outside. If dads home with go for a babychino 🤣
I had my second in February, and my son took to being a big brother so well. He found it hard when I couldn’t be there for 2 nights with him. And he was frightened I would leave him again when I brung baby home. Adjusting to 2 wasn’t as bad as you think. Your second baby will just slot in.
Im also pregnant, 6 weeks! I personally think that I will be very loving with both and I’ll do my best to include my 2 year old with the new baby. Also mine is starting nursery next year hopefully so that will naturally free sometime that I’ll for sure use with the baby. Just sharing thoughts, but you are not alone! It will all be fine 🙌🏼☀️