If they’re a healthy weight, I’d quit MOTN feedings!
Our pediatrician told us to never wake sleeping child. It's wild that your pediatrician still recommends this. You're only supposed to wake up a baby if they're premature to eat.
If they surpassed their birth weight you are GOOD to let him sleep through mama. In all honesty if you can , get a new pediatrician ❤️
I agree with @April. I’d also be afraid he’d become dependent on that feeding even if he doesn’t need it. The MOTN feedings are so rough on the parents so if you don’t need to wake up, I wouldn’t! With our son, we lived by…don’t wake a sleeping baby lol
I woke my baby as my baby was under weight at birth and I had anxiety but his pediatrician advised me to stop waking him at about 5 weeks
My pediatrician said until they recuperate their birth weight! Mine didnt and we had to go back to night feedings. He still needs one bottle during the night and he is going to be 2 years old. It has been HARD.
Don’t wake them for the feed if weight gain is good; just wait for baby to wake naturally now.
they will wake you if they’re hungry or need a change or are uncomfortable. but if they’re happy and full they will sleep. babies know how to advocate for themselves if they’re hungry so i’d say just let him do his thing.
My pediatrician is having us continue to wake her for feedings at night every 4 hours until she reaches 12 pounds. Not sure why 12 pounds is the goal, but I really do trust my pediatrician so I’m going with it 😅
Once they hit birth weight you can let them sleep
At that age they need the night feeds, after 4 months they do not.
My pediatrician always said that as long as baby is healthy, there's no need to wake them up for feeds or night changes (unless they 💩).
Our baby was sleeping through the night by 3 months. We stopped waking her overnight as soon as she surpassed her birth weight but the full overnights came at 3 months for us.
My 1st I did every 3 to 4 hrs because thats what they said to do. All my kids after that was day 1. If they woke to eat, great but I wasn't waking them any more!
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I stopped waking my baby up at 3 months because he would sleep through the night and was gaining weight great! If you are worried maybe do every 5 or 6 hours instead of 4 so baby is still getting fed at night? If you are comfortable letting baby sleep id say just wait for him to wake up 😊
That’s wild, we did that for maybe the first few weeks since our kiddo was jaundiced and needed the extra fluids, but after that we just let him wake up as he needed to eat