She may not be saying words but is she understanding words being spoken to her? Can she follow simple commands when you speak to her? My son was delayed in his speech and is currently in speech therapy. But the thing that gave me lot of hope was that even tho he wasn’t say many words he understood a lot of what I was relaying to him. “Where’s Daisy?, can you throw this away for me?, do you want water?” My son’s speech is doing better now. I’m also constantly narrating what I’m doing so he can pick up words naturally. “Mama needs to go potty, mama is going to cook eggs, mama wants water”.
@Katherine Yes we get homework and we try to follow it. The homework for the next two weeks is pointing to things and describing things more. My baby doesn't really pay attention when I point though.
@Angie, I honestly don't know. She'll respond to her name and "come here" but everything else she'll just stare at me or does something else. Idk if she's just being defiant, or she really doesn't understand. I need to narrate more but I forget a lot
Don’t feel bad that’s awesome that she’s getting the help she needs. My little one has a speech delay as well it takes time for them to build up their speech. For my daughter she’s in speech therapy once a week and her therapist gives a lot of positive feedback and things to work on weekly. She’s been in therapy since November. You are not doing anything wrong hun. You were able to notice the speech delay and get support for her continue doing what you do and she’ll eventually start talking. A few months ago my little one wasn’t saying any words now she’s trying to pronounce words like apple hat she says mama and other daily words I use. I also do sign with her as well so she has another way to communicate as well. I do a lot of activities with her daily and encourages her to be verbal by respecting what she says even if it does make sense. The more verbal she gets that a positive sign that her speech is starting to develop.
@Selima Thank you for the kind words. I the doctors say her having autism is unlikely, I just have to let her learn at her own pace.
Hugs mama! My son is similar, we just started speech therapy. He knows around 20 words but does some sign and will get figure out a way to communicate. But my mama heart feels awful that other kiddos can speak more than my son. I know we all try not to compare but it’s hard at times.
Does your speech therapist give you "hw" of things to do at home with your baby? Im a speech therapist and especially at this age children only make progress if the parents do carryover at home!