My heart goes out to you I was in a similar situation 🫂💙 take care of yourself and leave him in the past. I know it can be heartbreaking and devastating leaving not only him but the dream of a family of for your own mental peace and respect in my own opinion you should get therapy and start focusing on you and your baby boy 💙 a happy momma makes a happy baby. It seems by him talking to other ppl already he wasted no time. Is there any other way to arrange him seeing the baby, do you think having a family member or best friend stay with you while he’s there be a good support for you?
@Luz so real after my own experience I resent myself the most for not sticking up for myself .
It’s not silly at all I can relate even though time has passed. It’s completely reasonable to just want to be loved and cared abt after giving birth not dealing w someone being nonchalant or just thinking abt their self scouting for other females. He’s probably still a little boy mentally. Don’t worry eventually you will feel better get help and do things whenever possible for yourself.
I'm sorry you're going through this. Men are trash.
Probably not the best advice but I’ll give it. Get yourself on a dating app and message on that dating app infront of his face, or send a message to your friend and smile/laugh make sure he’s watching. Not saying this is going to fix anything but it sounds to be that he’s checked out already. How someone can message other women when they have a 16 days old little boy is beyond me. He shouldn’t have the fucking time to even look at his phone! Men really make me sick!
Girl wtf???? 😳 Please wake up asap!!! If this didn’t wake u up and kick his ass out idk what will . Oh hell no. Ur too nice and u will resent urself for not loving urself . I’m speaking from experience