Hey lovely! You 100% are able to cancel on the day if you feel it's not right for you, they can't force you to do anything. As for the ECV itself, I was booked for one and super keen to not do it so I went home and searched 'how to turn breech baby' on YouTube and watched lots of videos (I was 37 weeks at the time and baby had turned head down and then back to head up again) and after a few evenings of doing the moves in the videos he turned head down and stayed that way thankfully. 🙏🏼 If you do have to have it, try not to stress too much. My sister had to have it done twice with my niece and although she said it was uncomfortable she said it wasn't as bad as she imagined and baby was absolutely fine. 🙏🏼 Really hope baby turns for you!! ❤️ xx
Also, just to add...he was a big baby, not little! So it's poss for any size baby to do a full turn even that late on in the pregnancy. He weighed 9 lbs when born.
Hi Jana, I had an elective 2weeks ago and honestly it’s was the most calming experience for me (someone who gets anxious a lot). What I found that put me at peace was that I was told step my step what was going to happen. They talk you through it, you get to meet everyone in the room and you get to choose your own music. The whole thing went very quickly and once I was holding my son I was just in complete bliss and then I was being taken back to the ward. As I mentioned I’m 2weeks pp and I am up moving can do a lot of things without being in extreme pain. The first week is the hardest and you need to stay ontop of your meds otherwise the pain will be extreme I made that mistake because I was asleep and missed a dose. I personally think that had I done and induction or natural birth my anxiety would have been at an ultimate high. As weird as it sounds an elective made me feel as though I was in control. I don’t know if that makes any sense. But I would definitely get another one
Hey Jana, I had an ECV with my little one at 37 weeks. I decided to have it as I didn't want a planned c-section, it was painful I won't lie but it was all worth it as they managed to get him to move ❤️it is over very quickly and you can ask for gas and air to help with the pain, I would defo recommend having it if you do want to have a vaginal birth , it obviously doesn't always work but it is worth the short term pain to try! I was really freaking about it too before, but it wasn't as bad as I had imagined it would be! You can opt to not go through with it on the day if you change your mind, the hospital will ask you to sign a consent form and explain the procedure before they go ahead, go with whatever feels right for you, it's your decision, hospital can be pushy, so just go with whatever feels right for you! I must say they were great at the hospital and made me feel at ease throughout and explained it all to me in detail, so I felt much more relaxed about it! X
I decided against it but luckily my baby decided to turn himself within the next week
Thank you so much for all your comments!! I do all the exercises that I have read about it, I stay on all four as much as I can (have time since I have a LG who turned 1 yesterday) I walk as much as I can I sit on the ball and do this position where my knees are on sofa and forearms on the floor. It’s so stressful baby was head down then transverse then breech then transverse again and I don’t know where is now, I will have to wait until Monday to find out. My partner is also a little bit negative about the ECV itself but he said we can see how things are going on the day. I really want to give birth naturally, as I did the first time. I am not so scared of the pain I will feel (not that not scared at all but not as much) as I am scared of how can affect the baby and if baby can get stressed and decides to come out on the day or they do something to the baby in the process. Crazy overthinking it
This is a different approach but today being Friday there's a breastfeeding support cafe called Lemon Drops running in oxted from 12-2, and Laura the lady who runs it is a doula who had a breech homebirth, and she's supported hundreds of births. She's always saying "breech is a variation of normal" and would absolutely tell you all about it https://www.instagram.com/stories/laura_thelemontreebirth/3547359312885106195 It might be worth popping along? You just walk in, have a chat and eat some cake with some lovely ladies. It's really nice there 🙂
I had an ecv and it was very painful but worth it in my eyes and I’d definitely do it again in any future pregnancies. They monitor you so closely if there was even a slightly raise in the babies heart rate they would stop x
@Jenna thank you! Did you do it in CUH ? My ECV is 10am but they asked me to go 8am what do they do in the 2 hours?
Hi Jana, I had 2 ECVs with my little one who was breech. They were very uncomfortable but both times the doctors who did it were very kind and said they would stop at any point if I asked so I think you can always give it a try and if it’s too much you can ask them to stop! Controlled, calm breathing and focussing on what I wanted to get out of it (baby to turn) really helped me! Hope that helps to calm the nerves a bit :)