My boy sleeps through most nights, and he has 3-4 bfs a day. If he wakes through the night, he scores a bonus feed and the rest of the night in the big bed.
@Genevieve sounds similar to me I’m doing 3/4 as well but last night she woke up at 1am for the first time in ages wanted to be fed. And I was thinking did I not feed her enough during the day or maybe she’s uncomfortable due to something like tummy or maybe teething, growth spurt. Who knows! When you do 3 breast feeds how do you time them? I do this: 6ish Wake up: breastfeed then solids 8.30 ish Nap 11ish Wake up 2: solids and breastfeed or bf and solids 2.30ish Nap 4ish: Wake up 3: Solids Snack 6.30ish Breastfeed before bed 😆 Then she normally sleeps till morning
@Tess oh I think your LO is younger which makes sense with your feeds 💕
@Bel we bf mid morning and mid afternoon, before naps and then at night before bed. We've only just dropped the 4th bf, which was when we woke and before breakfast. He also eats 3 solid meals a day and on occasion ,snacks. Haha.
That’s a good schedule 😝 @Genevieve
Mine still wakes on average twice a night for a feed - straight back to sleep afterwards. Not completely sure about how many across the whole day. Maybe 6 or 7 total including the two at night?