Speech and language appointment

So maxi finally got seen by speech and language today! Was told definitely speech delay and issues with certain sounds, but understanding good, conversation/social communication also delayed there’s also some kind of processing issue as it took him much longer to identify some of the things than it should, but when given an option usually chose the right one or if he didn’t understand he’d choose the last option (the one he remembered) whilst it’s nothing we didn’t know, it’s was nice to hear them say “we were listening to you chat in the waiting room and you did everything we would advise to help him improve, repeated back the unclear words, gave him time to think about what he was going to say and translated to other people (old people) that were trying to interact with him” He made me laugh so much, the therapist showed him a picture of a zip with the letter Z on it and said can you say “zzzz” maxi looked at her took the card out of her hand posted it in the little post box and said “no tank you” the therapist didn’t really know how to react but said “what lovely manners” 😂😂 He’s going to have a course of therapy and they want to get it in before he starts school ❤️
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Oh that’s amazing!!! I’m still waiting for speech and language, although at his autism assessment there was a speech and language therapist there and she said he is a gestalt language processor so is learning language in a different way. So I’m going on a virtual information thing next week but I had already done lots of research. Nursery are over the moon that he’s now telling them to “go away” as he’s using words in context so we are progressing! Like you, I love the reassurance that I’m doing okay. On his autism report it says that I have a very good understatnding of his needs and how best to support him- which I really need as I sometimes feel like I don’t know how to help him!

@Emma as a speech therapist myself, well done for reading up on GLP...not a lot of parents/teachers and even some SLTs don't know about it!!

@Ceylan yeah I was surprised too as I’d already found the meaninfulspeech Instagram account before the slt therapist said it, and she says how unrecognised it is!

@Emma ah yes meaningful speech is wonderful!

@Emma we’ve been waiting on speech and language to get things moved on for him! She said it’s nice that he’s got so much support- told them about preschool and his childminder and that he can now communicate with them but at the beginning no one knew what he was saying, but they did say that it could be cos they know him better now! I mean the fact he even say and cooperated with them shows how far he’s come cos 6 months ago he’d have said no and done his own thing 😂😂

@Laura yes I know what you mean! I think they are finally getting to see my son’s funny cheeky side now because he is just progressing and feels comfortable enough!

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