From my doctor- you can’t over feed a baby. They will let you know when they are full by spitting up what they can’t handle. You could try just spitting it up more so he’s not getting 9oz straight but I definitely wouldn’t be worried about over feeding
You can overfeed a baby. The same way us as adults can overeat and be bloated and uncomfortable if we eat too fast before giving our bodies time to realise we are full. @Emily
You can absolutely overfeed a formula fed baby, you can’t overfeed a breastfed baby. 9oz is a huge amount! 4oz is usually enough for 1 month old. Your partner needs to stop! Formula fed don’t have an ‘off’ switch and will guzzle continuously.
Babies can be overfed. There is a hormone in breast milk called leptin which helps regulate appetite. Also babies don’t have to work very hard to get milk from a teat so over feeding a formula fed baby is more likely. I’m a paeds nurse and we regularly see babies with overfeeding where they have had a choking episode.
9oz is a LOT of milk! Pace feeding should help and they may also have a lot of wind or acid reflux. Wind can confuse babies and make give the signal they're still hungry because eating elevated the wind pain wjole they're eating.
I never understood the not Overfeeding comment. I nurse and bottle feed and a lot of times, my baby will never reject milk. As a new mom, I didn’t know and he would spit up excessively from it because he just never said no to milk, even if his belly was full
Hey, at this age babies don’t eat for anything other than hunger. If they’re crying for a feed that does mean they’re hungry but maybe they don’t need the amount you’re giving. Have you tried small and often?
@Parris Babies for sure do cry for things other than hunger??? Very confused by this comment
@Gem I didn’t say they didn’t cry for things other than hunger.. I said they don’t eat for anything other than hunger. If they’re crying for a feed and are soothed by a feed, then they’re hungry. They may not need 9oz but they may need 3. Just to clarify, babies cry for things other than hunger. For example, if they’re in pain, having a bottle won’t soothe them. If they’re tired, feeding won’t soothe them. But if feeding does soothe them then they’re most likely hungry. It’s called feeding on demand. Like I said, the baby most likely won’t need 9oz but may need 3
@Parris Babies instinctively suck. If you don’t pace feed a bottle a baby can drink more than they need because you don’t give their bodies a chance to realise they are full
@Gem I know that baby’s instinctively suckle. But that’s got nothing to do with my comment? I’ve said baby may not need 9oz, they may need 3. I’ve also asked if she’s tried feeding little and often. Also, there’s no strict right or wrong way. My baby couldn’t stand the bottle being held horizontally, and wouldn’t pace feed. He still only drank 3-4oz max, so pace feeding is not the fix for everything. Allow others to give their opinion without policing the comments, as someone else’s comment may be the fix the OP is looking for
That is a lot of milk for such a tiny baby. Are you pace feeding bottles? At 4 weeks old babies stomach probably isnt even big enough to fully hold 9 oz and you can risk stretching his stomach