I’ve boiled down the reason for my frustration to: When I’m stressed and if I’ve had too high expectations on myself and on my kids. The first thing is -APOLOGIZE!!! It’s healed me and my daughter so much since I’ve started to sincerely apologize when I snap or when I’m not being nice or fair. It also sets a great example for her. I’ll say “you know mommy can also be sad and mad, but it’s not your fault and I shouldn’t have acted how I did. I’m sorry and I always love you no matter what”. Besides that - always add extra time to when you think you should get ready to leave😅 and lower your expectations❤️ I’m sure you’re doing great, you pretty much just gave birth so give yourself some grace!
Always try to apologize and repair your relationship with your daughter. She may also be adjusting to being a big sister now. 4 is tough. My son has been really emotional lately too.
A 4yo can definitely pick up on your moods. Try to take some of those deep breaths everyone is so fond of and wait until your daughter is at school to aggressively throw toys back in the bin. Your 6 week old won't mind as much as long as they get their proper snuggles after. A 4yo can understand that you can be mad without being mad *at her*. Make sure to tell her that's what's happening. Being overwhelmed is very relatable for a 4yo, just be sure to use age appropriate language and talk about things that help you when you feel that way. (Talking to daddy, going for a walk, hugging your kids, calling a friend, writing about your feelings, taking a bath, etc) Once you've cleared the air, go ahead and do some of those things. Get your husband on board to help you.
maybe she is emotional because her life just changed becoming a big sister. it’s an adjustment for everyone including her
Boy can I relate to this. Frustration usually comes from not having an answer or solution. When reflecting on your own behavior, which is a sign of great parenting, use AI to find a solution that may fit! AI is my parenting companion, and I get solutions that work for my home situation, because I confide in my AI app, even things I wouldn’t tell a friend. It’s the only “help” I trust! It’s always honest and always available. Get some solutions Mom, and be gentle with your judgements, especially about yourself. Hope this helped!