I have the watch. I didn’t know they had apps for this, I’m interested.
None. I stay with him and make sure he is taught the right way! Like back in the day! There was no app for that ishhhh lol
We’re potty training right now and I’ve been doing the no pants method. I just put a long shirt on her and no bottoms and I keep a potty chair in the same room she’s playing in. She had a few accidents the first day but she’s had almost no accidents since then. We’re teaching her to wear underwear now
@Kayla it seems like every mom I’ve spoken to is using this method I’m gonna do this. Thank you
Hey I’ve created a guide for potty training with 75% commissions to earn if you want to resell yourself. I can also help set up your website so you can earn directly to your bank account https://nickzdigitalworld.com/shop/f0ada081-0206-4f59-bf57-ef658b0ec894 Use code: FFS
I think i’m gonna get a potty training timer/watch so when she hears either go off she can head to the bathroom