Well done! They look brilliant! X
Thank you! X
This is great , my LG is 1 i feel such mum.guilt as our weaning journey has been a bit slow 🤦🏻♀️ o think as we didn't have a great one with our nearly 3yr old as he was prem - I've lost all knowledge 😢 we have mastered porridge that's a start lol x
@Elle (i can't see waves) don’t feel guilty you haven’t done anything wrong at all! Porridge is an amazing first step to take! I use to just give my little one baby rice to start with then porridge and puree jars as I was too scared to give him actual food but looking at tiktok video and googling help me so much and help me find a safe place to start where o felt comfortable xx
How did you make the berry and banana breakfast cake? ☺️
@Emma sorry for chiming in, but this looks amazing! Did you use normal milk or baby milk (formula/breast)? X
@Rachel I used normal full fat milk for them xx
What sausages do you use and do you take skin off before cooking? X
@Marissa I’ve just used Richmond thick pork sausage and cut them in half and cut the ends off xx
@Emma thank you so much ! X
@Emma Thankyou, yeah I mean she loves crumpets and toast lol and I do give her the heniz summer porridge - Which she loves ! Today I made a sweet potato just mashed it up nothing special, she had around 4 or 5 spoons , a little water and then probably 3 or 4oz of milk. I do think weaning can be overwhelming especially of your tired mama lol 😆 I sometimes think I must be doing something right as she feels heavy every week lol 😆
@Elle (i can't see waves) I’m still working on toast with my little man he loves anything else like garlic bread/naan bread,bagels and crumpets but will throw toast on the floor😂 That’s all you need to do give her little amounts of different food and just let her explore them xx
@Emma Yes exactly, she did touch it at foeat like wtf is this loool but then when I spoon fed her she did enjoy it , So well just see how we get on x
@Elle (i can't see waves) have you got any little cutlery for her? My little boy loves feeding himself and sometimes will eat “more” and is more confident when doing it himself x
You're doing well mama