If you're into books maybe this one is for you: Mothershift by Jessie Harrold. Give yourself time 💜
You're not alone. Sounds like PPD which is so common but not spoken about. For me having my baby brought up alot of childhood trauma and other issues I thought I'd dealt with. I'm still going through it and my baby is 8 months. It's so hard and such a lonely place to be. Feel free to DM me
If you’re looking for someone to tell you if you’re being overdramatic or crazy - well that’s not it. Given what you’ve been through it’s completely understandable why you feel the way you do. Well done for addressing the idea of therapy, it definitely is an investment in your mental health and you’re worth that at the very least. Sorry you had such a traumatic time in the early days, only time will allow you to use new memories to gradually quieten down and replace those old ones. x
Consider going to a psychiatrist for medication in addition to therapy. Studies show that both medication and therapy combined is more effective than just one or the other. Also, the more severe the depression is, the more likely it will improve with medication. I would also try to work on lowering expectations for yourself. I had similar experience with my first having a tongue tie and I was pumping every few hours. It was like a full time job honestly. I developed mastitis around 3 months and stopped pumping. The minute I accepted that I was done pumping, it was like a huge weight was lifted. I started sleeping better bc I wasn't waking up throughout the night to pump. I had more "me" time. My baby was happier too bc I was more pleasant and affectionate during the day. My marriage improved bc I had more patience and thought before I spoke. Sometimes, what's best for your family is to put yourself first and allow yourself time & space to heal. There is no shame in doing so.
Unfortunately, your experience is all too common. Having a baby is a big life shift, and the support you have received during this major transition has been inadequate. Your doctors, your husband, even your well-meaning friends are leaving gaps and leaving you to pick up the slack. But it's too much for one person. Your therapist, a mom's group, new doctors, a few good babysitters, the occasional housekeeper, these are all good options to help round out your "village." There is nothing wrong with you. You're doing the best you can with what's available, you just need more resources (and more sleep!) There is so much wrong around you that it feels almost personal. Hang in there and give yourself permission to get the help you need. Spend the money, take the days off, say no to people. This is a special time in your life that you may only do once. You don't have to suffer through it, and in fact, your whole family will be in a better position if you don't. ❤️
I can relate and am still going through it, especially with baby #2. What helped me after baby # 1 was daycare. I initially had a nanny on days I worked and was with the baby on off days and all night. Once I put my first in daycare that I can trust ( that's key, she goes to a small home daycare). I started feeling more like myself. Everyone needs an outlet
I have suffered totally the same as u ... so much like it almost lost my man. .. seek lots support and help it won't go away till 2 yrs just try something for u for now ... don't what u love to do ... selfcare self love , counseling go from there