I don't drive. I've always been a little scared to. I feel like if I did, I'd be able to get out with my baby a lot more. (I will eventually, I know she's going to need rides in the future to school and extracurriculars and it's not fair to leave that all on dad. But still.)
I feel immense guilt everyday for the person I chose to be their Dad. And not only did I have one kid with him, I had four. And expected him to change. Took 6 years and 4 pregnancies to realize he won’t change cause he doesn’t want to & doesn’t see anything wrong with his behavior. That’s the mom guilt I feel. Feels soul crushing sometimes when I really think about it
We said 0 screen time, then it became "screen time whilst sick" because he wouldn't sit still and rest without something to hold his attention, and because watching movies whilst sick made being ill bearable for me when I was little.. but after he turned 1 we started using screens a little in the morning, then a little in the afternoon, just for 5 minutes of getting food out or check our phones and suddenly the kid was glued to a screen at 13 months 😫😫 we have started a detox for everyone, we don't bring phones into living room anymore and our tv is in our bedroom but damn. The slope was slippery and steep and we fell right on our ass!
@Heidi I could have written this post!
I neglect myself to the point I HAVE to say fuck it to everything else to shower or sleep an hour or two.
I feel ya!
@Chloe I'm sorry:( But from someone who had a shitty dad, one great mom really is enough. And when they're older they'll bond over their common dislike for their shitty dad
Well I’m pregnant w/ twins rn and can’t be as active as I was before . I feel bad . We used to have so much fun together.
Some days I don’t have the stamina to listen to my kids cry and whine so I get really cross and then feel awful because they’re just kids.
@Megan thank u for saying that❤️ that’s reassuring 💕
My baby ate hamburger & french fries for dinner last night.