Advice needed: baby struggling with constipation (please be kind)

Hi all! Seeking some wisdom from you guys!! So I do a mix of blw and purées and not sure if what I’m serving is balanced or if I’m over thinking it? (He’s 8 months) I would love some of your ideas to tweak it as since serving these two meals he hasn’t pooed. :( 1. Veggie pasta sauce rigatoni, mashed strawberries and melty puffs - tomato -carrot -courgette -mushrooms -yellow/red peppers 2. Chickpea and veggie curry -sweet potato -tomatoes -carrot -peas -sweetcorn -green beans - cumin/coriander -fresh coriander I added in 60ml of formula into this too so that the tomatoes wouldn’t be too acidic for him. Any advice? He seems to prefer purées and looks forward to serving himself with a spoon.
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Just curious is he having any water at all during or after the meals? Als9 I've heard prunes help x

Hey mama, it all looks delicious, and balanced, I can see that you’re very dedicated on feeding your LO and I want to congratulate you on that, keep up the great work !!! I’m gonna also share with you what helps for me, I feed my girl since she was 6 months all kinds of food (just no salt no sugar no honey no caws milk) even if constipate cuz I believe it’s important for her to try different things, what I also do is serve foods without mixing them much like a carrot pure, avocado on it’s on or avocado and pears, tomatoes, corn etc everything you used on your pures I would serve separately either smashed or BLW, to let her learn the flavors for each thing (not saying mixing them all is wrong) and later on I started mixing a bit more so she would learn that it’s ok if the flavors are mixed. What I do to help with poop is to feed her papaya, pieces or smashed, with some fine oats and some chia seeds, try to add fine oats on fruit pures or yogurt, rich in fiber bread also helps a lot!

My baby has struggled with constipation a lot and most purées that begin with P help. Prunes always do the trick but I only give her half a jar because when I give her the whole jar she has a crazy blowout. Pear is runner up and always helps her, pumpkin and peaches are some other good ones

For babies experiencing constipation, it is highly recommended to use organic olive oil. Adding a few drops of organic olive oil to cooked foods can reduce the likelihood of constipation in babies. Also, it is advised to temporarily remove foods such as potatoes, carrots, rice, rice flour, and bananas from their diet. Boiling dried apricots or sun-dried fruits in water and giving the baby the strained liquid can also provide relief. The boiled dried apricot can be mashed, and 2-3 teaspoons can be given to the baby as well. Moreover, pears are fiber-rich fruits and are very beneficial for constipated babies. They can be grated using a glass grater and given to the baby with both the juice and the pulp.

@Elle (i can't see waves) of course he gets a fresh sippy cup each meal x

@Rayza thank you lovely yes we started off everything as separate for purses to make sure jr isn’t allergic as he’s 8 months now I can mix a few i think it’s 2nd stage of weaning x

@Nazan thank you I’ll give these a go I avoid rice and bananas in general now

You can try giving him a bit of porridge for breakfast/interim meal, but more on the runny side. It helps move things a long

Try to get him to have water with his meals, like an ounce or two at a time or even a day should make a difference

Have you tried orange segments (obvs serving how solid starts app recommends to serve for age appropriate sizing etc). It works way better than prune to get my girl to poop when she’s constipated I’d also remove the Kiddy snacks (melt puffs) as you’re doing good with real cooking / foods. I feel those snacks are just artificial crap dressed up to us to sound like they’re healthy’ish snack option. I’ve given them to my girl and her regularity goes out the window or she has a funny day mood wise and I later regret it

@Emma I did think that too with the melty puffs, I check the back of the packets and I try and get maize based as rice based he struggles with. Last few days I haven’t been giving him many and might swap it out to like tangerine or peppers maybe instead. What are your favourite meals to make? Xx

@Bea at moment attempting to cook liver onions butternut squash. Freezing rest liver as read you can grate it from frozen later into dishes apparently?😬. Ratitoueo done. Baked some chicken breast but no idea what doing with those yet 😵‍💫 they needed cooking by tomorrow so am still thinking on that. She had ground beef mince banana egg waffles the other day. Random I know, but big hit! 😅 Now just prepping kefir yog with blended berries or diced apricots with chia seeds stirred in. Cauliflower fritters and some spinach egg soft cheese wraps. My bf lives in a different time zone so this is the only time to catch up with him hence the random hours cooking 😮‍💨😅😝

@Bea the melty puffs are so easy to take out though. I have basket of all these snacks but am gonna try next few weeks to try tackled being able to make long life type take out and about snacks. As the worst thing is, is I also eat all these baby packet snacks when tired or late at night 🤦‍♀️🤣

All the P's help with poo!! Pears, plums, prunes, peaches 🩵

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