Oh babe! I totally understand you, I have the same feelings some days, but I promise it does get easier, it’s hard to split yourself in half, I try baby wear a lot so I can play with my toddler, and always talk to them both and tell them to wait for eachother cos the other one needs me etc just helps the toddler know that it’s not just them that has to wait. They’re still little at the end of the day and they want our attention, but they do get used it I promise. Here if u ever wanna talk xx
I’m in the exact boat right now, you are doing the best you possibly can ❤️
Hear you babe, it’s hard but they experience so much more together. Don’t be hard on yourself, it gets better little by little
Thank you ladies. It feels good to know I’m not the only one and that if you got through it then I can 😞 mornings are usually better so I’m feeling ok this morning.
I know how you feel. I went through the same thing. It honestly does get better. My toddler understands so much more now and knows when its her time and when baby needs me. My LG is 2 and LB now 6 months. X