Is there a reason why you think you should have had it done? Where I live it's really not common. I can honestly say I've never heard of anyone hating their mum for not having them circumcised. There is no benefit to it, unless for medical reasons where it can't be avoided, but otherwise leave it alone. Just tell your child how to wash properly.
I have two boys (5 and 1 month old) and I didn’t circumcised them both. My husband wasn’t circumcised. We both just had a mutual agreement about it. You just gotta teach them how to properly clean/wash them and/or build a good hygiene.
Unless medically required it’s simply genital mutilation. I’m sure he won’t hate you for not mutilating him unnecessarily.
I doubt any child would hate a parent for not circumcising them or otherwise except in cases of abuse obviously. I did circumcise my two sons and that was on religious grounds as I am Christian and also to just make washing down there easier .
At this point I wouldn't unless there was a medical reason. My husband had his done at 2 and it was very painful and he had a long time healing.
My son is not circumcised. Honestly, I never considered not doing it because where I’m from it’s quite common. A friend urged me to do some research and I learned it’s basically an unnecessary cosmetic procedure.
I’m in the US, and my husband, and I chose to not circumcise our son. When your son is older, he may thank you, for not having him circumcised. If he decides to have it done, when he’s older, it’ll be his decision to make.
Me & my sons father proudly did not circumcise. My son’s father isn’t circumcised & he’s never once had an issue in life regarding it.
We never did
i have a girl, but before i knew she was a girl i had this conversation. i've essentially decided id leave it to the father, because i dont have the parts and i dont know enough about it.
lol I had the opposite with my husband I didn’t want our boys circumcised, my husband did. Unfortunately he was one of the rare cases when he was little he wasn’t peeing properly so he had to get circumcised when he was 6ish, before he learned English it traumatized him. So we have two boys one is and one’s not. It’s honestly based on preference but there’s some cultures that wait until boys are much older to do the surgery. Even as adults the have to option of getting it removed.
We had it done for our son and I think it’s the best decision we made for him. It was so hard letting them take him away at the hospital knowing what they were taking him to go do but he did so well and it heals pretty quickly!
Thanks so much moms..
I think it's genital mutilation and should not be done routinely. It's almost unheard of in a lot of countries in the world.
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@rissa it's really not hard to research 🙃
@Ella i would still leave the decision to the father as i dont have the parts.. and i also have a girl 😭quit picking fights
Not. Definitely not. My husband is circumcised and his dad said he has infections as a baby or it would easily get irritated. Not saying that's probably why. But if you follow proper hygiene like you would with anything, you'll be fine. You're not going to pull off your toe nails simply because you could get an ingrown nail are you? It's definitely mutilation for cosmetic reasons. I'd say not. Regardless if the baby did fine or if it healed quickly...
@Ella people do it even in the Uk and most countries . Had ours done in the Uk and my midwife , health visitor were both aware I was having it done for my sons . I am sure if they had any issues with it , concerns would have been raised . As long as baby is in good health and there are no signs of abuse , there is usually no cause for alarm . It all depends on parental reasons as we all have different views on things .
@Ginger couldn’t of said it better
I didn’t circumcise my boy. Wanted to but I had such a bad experience at the hospital that I didn’t want them touching my baby anymore. He’s not going to hate you! Plus if he wants to, he can have that surgery done as an adult.
Sorry but unless there is a pressing medical need, or religious reason (even then, questionable) why on earth would you remove a part of your child’s body?
@Michele Because of cultural reasons. Or tradition 🙄 in my culture its tradition to pierce the baby's ears days after they're born and to shave their head on the first birthday. You better believe I was breaking tradition. People need to evolve and do what's BEST for their child and not follow outdated traditions, I'm sorry.
I'm English and it's not common here unless medically needed. Personally I would never do it for cosmetic reasons, I even cried when my son got his vaccinations because they hurt him 😭 as long as they are taught to pull it back when they're old enough for it to retract and clean underneath it then there shouldn't be any issues.