We moved our LO at 5 months! She was getting too big for her bassinet, and we all weren't sleeping in the same room it just wasn't working. I'm a light sleeper and I'd wake anytime she'd move, my partner snores. She sleeps so much better in her own space.
Sometimes I have my baby sleep in the other room it just is a few more steps to pick him up
Moved my little one into his own room at around 4.5 months for the exact same reasons and he sleeps so much better now. We just have a camera on him so can check on him without going in and disturbing him throughout the night 😊
Jumping on this post, did you all cold turkey the move? Or naps in day first. My LG is nearly 5 months (like next week) and I’ve been thinking the same. But wasn’t sure if I need to prep her going or just do it x
@Paige-Louise I'd put her in her cot after every contact nap to spend time there and get used to it! We started with a night first, and then the next day did naps! The time it took for her to settle got shorter. We'd obviously go in and check and reasure her but now she sleeps anywhere from 8-11 hours straight plus 2/3 naps in her crib x
We moved her at 3 months she outgrew her bassinet quickly! We just did it cold turkey no prep with napping!
We also did it cold turkey, left his next to me cot up in our room for the first two weeks in case he hated it but he was absolutely fine
@Claire oh amazing. When you say ‘after every contact nap’ do to mean awake? So you rock or anything before placing down or does you little one go awake and self settle? I really appreciate your reply, thank you!
@Paige oh amazing! Thank you!!! Xxx
Not me personally but I know lots of mums that moved bubs before 6 months, if it means everyone sleeps better then I would do it!