I had a 17 month gap and it’s lovely and I don’t think the older one remembers life without her xx
I'm currently pregnant with second they'll only have a 9 month gap (we conceived quicker than we thought as our first took a year 😅oops😂). I'm very excited to get to do it all over again and so excited for my little one to be a big brother and they'll grow up together. I think we'll be okay, they say to tend to the needs of the older baby first as they're most likely to remember and get more upset but we'll take each day as it comes 😁
My toddler was 22 months when baby #2 was born. Initially it was hard adjusting because you are almost mourning a relationship that has changed. But it gets easier for sure once you figure out a routine for the newborn, meaning you get lots of 1:1 time with the eldest. Just make sure the eldest has good sleeping habits before bubba arrives. Looking after a baby again is super easy as you are experienced and know how to do it. Its the juggling act that is very difficult
I do, i know i would like another baby but i would like my boy to be atleast 4 because i want him to be able to understand, he will be in school and because i want to give my relationship time to heal after becoming partners xx