Cutting foods for baby

Baby is 11 months old… she has snacky bits like organix crisps and melts plus her meals But I’m scared to give her anything that isn’t going to melt. Anxiety at its all time high. Any advice?
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I'm exactly the same, spagetti chopped up to about 1cm smothered in sauce, rice, skinless sausages

I was in same position don’t worry, also please don’t let people make you feel bad for this. I recently experienced a parent on here that made me feel so crap for it. But I’ll be honest.. over the past week or so he’s now eating meals which include finger foods that are soft. Don’t rush it, aslong has they are trying finger food it’s ok. Steamed finger carrots Sweet potato fingers Broccoli Strawberries Raspberries Banana Cut up pieces of spaghetti in sauce Etc At first he didn’t seem bothered but when it went past 10 minutes or so of him just playing with the food he then ate every single bit and has done 3 times a day. I know it’s really scary and trust me I understand completely. His dietician told me also as he is given different flavours and textures and he picking it up with his hands and feeding himself then he will be fine. I’ve moved to our adult porridge now with him too and he loves it. My advice is.. start with the list above, soft finger foods. You’ve got this ❤️

I was the same I thought he was going to choke all the time but until he bloody bit me I worked out how strong those teeth and jaws actually are 😅😅 He absolutely loves pasta broccoli and melted cheese which is all very soft (I overcook to make it more mushy haha) but over time confidence grows with both you and baby 😘 just prepare for flying food 🫠😂

I just whack stuff on a plate and let her go at it. Her gag reflex will never be as good as it is in babyhood, she’ll be fine.

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