How old is baby? X
Baby is 9.5 months x
@Sophie thank you this is super helpful. I’m not going back to work until she’s 18 months old so I only really want forma to top her up or when I’ve gone out for a hair cut or something, this makes this a bit harder but will be good for when we get there
@Sarah no problem at all 😊 I was completely clueless but when the dietician receptionist called me she mentioned either the vanilla essence or mixing breast milk with formula and I chose mixing because I didn’t want her to get used to having vanilla essence added to it :) x
I tried that and nesquick she still refused so I did what Sophie staid and started by sprinkling little powder in her bottles then I added 1oz and worked my way up untill it was 50/50 then 70/30 then I just did straight formula. It took about 6 weeks and she was 9 months when I started. I planned on only combi feeding but doing breast in the morning but at 10 months she started refusing breast so had weaned herself off it fully as she just preferred the bottle xx
Hey, which allergen milk have you tried? Some are verrrrrrry strong tasting, and babies don’t take to them very well. Others are a lot softer in taste
A health care professional also mentioned to me about adding in vanilla essence but I found the thing that worked for us was slowly introducing the allergy formula. So I did 4oz breast milk and 2oz formula and then slowly started reducing the breast milk and adding in more formula until she was fully on formula bottles. I think it took around a week and now she has 3 bottles of formula during the day and I breastfeed during the night x