Birth options / what week?

This is my second pregnancy but I didn't have GD last time. Last baby was induced at 38w as he had stopped growing and was small. I am on max dose of Metformin and now have to take evening insulin to try to control my fasting blood sugar (as Metformin didn't work). We are moving house in the next few weeks and I'm also trying to complete a university essay before baby arrives. So there's a lot going on! I am wondering when and how baby might arrive? I understand it is likely to be another induction but at what week? Will there be an option for c section? If anyone else was on both Metformin and Insulin (once a day) - what was your birth like and when did it happen?
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First born was born 18 years ago today! Induced at 38 weeks hospital broke my waters and had a vaginal birth , my 2nd born was a emergency c-section at 36 weeks , my placenta stopped working so they had to take him out x

Happy birthday to them! Can I ask how they knew the placenta had stopped working? I had a growth scan at 28w and they said they don't check the placenta flow which I was surprised at. I have another scan on Monday - I wonder if they will check it then?

NICE guidelines do not recommend induction for controlled GD until 40+6. This includes GD controlled by medication. As long as your levels stay in range you can ask to wait as long as this if you want to and even then they can’t force you to be induced. A lot of trusts try to book inductions around 39 weeks but you don’t have to go with this and can cite NICE guidelines at them if you feel you’re being pushed. C section is always an option GD or not, you can request it even if you have no complications.

Thank you for replying. I realise that c section is an choice option but with my first they said they could induce at 38w but couldn't do a c section until 39. I wondered if it would be the same with GD. My fasting blood levels in particular are consistently too high even with major changes to diet and Metformin. I start taking insulin at night tomorrow so hopefully that will help. I am just trying to get organised in my mind as to when the baby might come as there's so many other deadlines I'm trying to juggle.

Thank you 🥰… I went for a scan at 20 , 28 weeks and he was growing perfectly, then I went for a scan at 35+5 and they said he has shot right up, I told them I hadn’t been taking my insulin due to having severe hypos , 1 doctor called me a liar and said a type 2 diabetic don’t get hypos but I was was having at least 6 a day I took snap shots on my phone as I had noticed it wasn’t showing on the libre app, they said well we can’t see that your having any so I showed them all of my pictures, they sent me home and then phoned 2 days later and said in need to go in and I won’t be coming back out untill I’ve had him which the plan was by the weekend, I went on the Thursday n had him the next day , the day I arrived at the hospital I was having a hypo my sugars was 2.7 ask they got me some biscuits I had 3 packs ,2 bottles of orange just and sugars was only 3.1 after that so they gave me a shot of glucose i ended up having 2 of them , then I was put on a drip to keep it up he came out at 7lb I found this helpful for accepting my plan with the doctor. My first doctor in the US indicated that optimal time to deliver with GD is 38 to 39 weeks. This was in 2021. So we planned induction for 39 weeks since my GD was well controlled with diet but ended up inducing at 38+1 due to elevated BP. This all ended in a c-section. Now with my second, GD is diet controlled so far. My current doctor in the UK has the same opinion as my first doctor, delivery between 38 and 39 weeks with GD. She did mention yesterday that we can flex this a bit if I want (i.e., get closer to 40 weeks). However, I cannot be induced this time due to a previous c-section. So we are scheduling a C-section for 39 weeks. If labour comes spontaneously before then, great. My GD medical doctor (not OB) indicated that there are benefits to waiting until 39 weeks for baby's health but statistically there are no significant benefits waiting past 39 week.

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