nuby rapid cool

can someone please talk me through the hot shot method, like step by step both in the house and out and about?? am in the process of switching to formula feeding so its all new to me.. i bought 2 second hand ones online but without the black flask, and i don't have a steriliser that they'll fit into, and am really wanting to avoid buying both of these things! my baby usually takes around 6-7oz at a time.
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I pour 7oz into the bottle, 1 oz into the lid of my bottle (the mam ones have measurements on the lids) 6oz goes into the nuby cool and the 1oz goes back into the bottle with the formula, then when the formula has dissolved I add the water from the nuby cool to the rest of the bottle. This way you avoid having to sterilise the flask every time. It does feel a bit like you are making a cocktail which is fun 😂

Measure out hot water into bottle at how much you want, so if you are doing 6oz put 6oz hot water into babies bottle, then pour the hot water into the rapid cool but leave 1oz of hot water in the bottle (can leave more depending on what temp you want water and how much formula you are using) then put formula into the bottle with the 1oz how water and mix that. Then you can add the cooled water into bottle from rapid cool once it’s done when light goes green and give it another mix. Hope that makes sense x

@Danielle Collier @Carly thankyou for your replies! and if you're out and about is it ok to just carry around a good quality standard flask full of boiled water?

Yes I got a thermos flask, a 24 hour one. It was about £20 which is a lot but it's great as the water is still above 70 degrees after 12 hours so is a life saver for night feeds too, saves having to boil a kettle! I tested the water temp myself with a meat thermometer to be sure x

@Carly thankyou! do you happen to have a link to the one you have? it sounds good!

Sure it's,default,pd.html?redirectFromInt=1&cmpid=ppc-_-geor-_--_--_--_-dskwid-_dm&utm_campaign=pla:_Home_-_Fashion_Feed_-_Performance_Max&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAnKi8BhB0EiwA58DA4X4cCoY-hd-OKjx5VTIzju_TkAtqDDW-IdEZ-8qJooaATwoXi4vOGhoCbLoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

I actually use my flask when I'm home too, I fill it in the morning as I can't be arsed to wait for the kettle to boil with my son screaming at me lol x

We are using the Babymoov water dispenser( it’s available on John Lewis). I set it at 40C for water after baby was 2 months. Life saver. I would have died using the kettle- thermos.

I dont sterilise my rapid cool as I only put hot water in it so it doesn't need to be x

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