Hi ladies, we have been TTC for 4 months with no luck so far (I know this does not seem long, but with my first we fell straight away). I have been doing the ovulation tests, tracking on my app, taking folic acid. Does anyone have any tips or encouragement? How long did it take you all to fall with you second?
I know it’s luck of the draw each month and all our bodies are different.
I am so grateful and blessed with our little boy.
Thanks from a very deflated mama x
I’m so sorry to hear this 🤍 I was exactly where you are. We conceived our daughter very quickly (now 2y 2m) so expected the same to happen second time around. It took us six insanely long months to conceive and I’m now 20w pregnant with our little boy. I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel!! I don’t know if they helped, but I took the TTC fertility supplements from wild nutrition which I found really helped regulate my periods and cycles. Also exactly as you say, tracking in the app, ovulation tests (try a test in the morning and a test at night to catch your surge and use decent tests - I missed four opportunities because of cheap tests and testing at the wrong time of day!) and as best you can, try to relax. Good luck, hang in there and the best piece of advice I received from my best friend - your baby is worth waiting for 🙏🏼 sending love xxxx