How many bottles ( bottle fed) and what times in the day are your little ones feeding

How often are your little ones eating/what times and how many a day? Trying to find the right amount for my nearly 18 week old🩵
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Every 3 hours and anywhere up to 8oz, has her last bottle around 8/9 then sleeps through till 7/8

My little one is 16w and she’s happy with 4 - 6oz feeds a day. 9-10am 2pm 6pm 10:30pm And then she will usually sleep through the night not wanting anything - ofcourse if she wakes I’ll feed her but she seems content with the above. If we have an early start then she will have that extra bottle in the morning xxx

My 16w is every 3-4 hours in the day 7 ounces more or less finishes nearly all of it. At night she can sleep 5-7 hours straight usually

18 weeks and has anything between 3-6oz every 3hrs and one night feed. So usually 6:30, 9:30, 12:30, 3:45, 6:45 and a night feed.

It's different for every baby. Mine is massive and still only drinks 5oz bottles so she has to feed often

I feed my daughter (nearly 18 weeks) on demand and she gets herself into a routine. She usually has 5 or 6 bottles in the day of 6oz. She usually has her last bottle around 9/9:30 and seeps through the night xx

18 weeks, 8 ounces every 4hrs and one night feed. Usually is 7:30, 11:30, 15:30, 19:00-19:30 and a night feed.

5 bottles a day 7oz, 18 weeks 7:30am 11:30am 2:30pm 5:30pm 8:30pm No night feeds he sleeps through the night x

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