Do you have an infant carrier that you can seat belt in the front? Also make sure she fits well in her current seat so that the position isn’t making her hate it more.
We use a graco car seat, my son seems to be fine with it! Some kids just don’t like the car in general because they would rather be out but if it is something fixable I hope you get it figured out!
My lo hated the car for about 5/6 months or so. Sorry, obviously not what you want to hear. But some bubs just don't like it. I think it was because he could see me in the mirror but didn't understand why he was all the way back there. I played a lot of the happy song / nursery rhymes and sang to him but it's horrible xx
My daughter hated the car seat at that age, car journeys were horrific but she soon improved, hopefully your little one will too
It may be worth posting a photo for a check on how she’s fitted as an incorrect fit could mean she’s not comfortable xx