Pooing on potty

Hi, me again with the potty training questions 😂 been potty training for the last week and we have seen some progress the past couple of days with wees and he is able to tell me when he needs the potty which is great. However, he is quite anxious about doing a poo. He has been trying all morning to do a poo on the potty and we have just been encouraging and bigging him up and telling him it's okay if it doesn't come and he wants to try again later. But every time he goes even after sitting there for a long time only a little bit of poo comes out and he's not fully emptying his bowels. I don't know if this is because he is tensing and not really allowing himself to go fully because of nerves or whether he might have an upset tummy. Did anyone else experience this in the early days of potty training?
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Yes! We are exactly the same! We’re 3 weeks in and my little girl still has some anxiety around having a poo on the potty/toilet. She held it in for 4 days before going last week! We just encourage her and tell her that it’s okay with lots of cuddles and then this morning out of no where she done it on her own on the potty. Sorry if it’s not much help but just keep encouraging and he will get there! 🤍

Just keep going as you are reminding him that it’s okay if he doesn’t do it and to try again next time. It took a bit longer for my lg to get the hang of doing poos on there but she does it every time now! X

Great news about the wees! Sounds like it’s going really well - well done! I think it took us about a week to ten days before ours did a poo on the potty. Until then he was either holding it in or doing it on the floor / in a nappy just before bed. Then one day he said “I need a poo poo” and I said “OK, do it on the potty” and he did! I think it’s normal for this to take some time. Just keep going with the gentle support and not too much pressure - exactly as you’re doing 🥰

Thanks everyone for the reassurance! Seems like it's normal for poos to come a bit later then. It must be so strange for them going from pooing in a nappy where it's all concealed to having to go on the potty or toilet. I'm so glad he is trying on the potty though and we are slowly getting there. I was just worried about him being in discomfort by tensing and holding it in but I guess it's to be expected while he's learning! X

When I potty trained my son, poos were defo harder but I gave him prunes to make sure the poo wasn't hard and was easily passed. I also kept it funny and made a game like sayings "going on the poo poo train". I also found that leaving him with a potty in a safe room was good as well, if he missed then I put the poo in the potty (and cleaned of course) and just explained that poo goes in the potty. Each time he does a poo on the toilet I say how it makes tummy's feel so much better. It's now been nearly 6 months and he does wees and poos on the toilet, tbh it only really took about 2 months before accidents stopped so we are 4 months accident free AND going to the toilet instead of potty! Sorry if this was too long to read 😂

My little girl has gone from pooing once daily to once every second day since potty training. She’s very private about pooing (even when she was in nappies) so sometimes won’t even let me in the toilet. She will quite often ask to go for a poo and then nothing happens, so I just say, “that’s ok, we’ll try again in 5 minutes”. But really I just wait until she’s asks me again. Saying that just seems to reassure her that it’s ok and we’ll try again soon. She eventually does it and we just make a huge deal of it, shower her with praise and even give her a chocolate coin 😅 Years ago my nephew had surgery and his toilet training went back the way a little bit and we had to bribe him with the huge kinder eggs to do a poo in the toilet. He only wanted it for the toy right enough. Nothing wrong with a little gentle “bribery”/reward x

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