I dont know what the small thing was and were only getting a small picture of the conversation but I think you’re both sounding petty in this exchange. It sounds like he wants to be around when you come home. But you’re both coming at each other with anger rather than your feelings. Saying “let me know if I have to stay with family” from his side just looks like a jab to get a reaction from him. Maybe take a breath and ask him if he would like to be there after your c-section to help. Ya’ll are about to have a baby, you have to find a way to communicate better and be nice to each other.
Leave this man. Any man saying I'm gonna treat you how you treat me after you gave birth isn't a man just an XX. Don't look back get child support. Fuck him. Reading that made me mad. You're better off alone.
@Alyson I know that's right✅️ Men that play stupid games like this aren't shit. Especially when you've just had their baby. Nah.
I would not base any major life decisions on his emotionally-charged outbursts. The success or failure of your recovery post-op can alter the course and quality of the rest of your life and baby’s life - do not screw this up. Seeing how you need and deserve consistent, reliable support after a major operation like this, I would plan on staying with family as the default. If you two want to be around each other, I hope your family allows him to come and visit you, maybe stay on the couch to be nearby.
@Beebe 🐝 I’ll be damned if I have to leave the comfort of my own home to have someone else other than the father (that I’m in a relationship with) step up as a provider and caretaker for me and our child after a c section. He would either get thrown out, or exposed.
Super immature and vindictive. Let’s try and hurt you when you’re recovering from a c section after birthing his child. What a gem of a man. Then to say “if you want to stay at ur people house then go.” So basically flipping it to put the decision on you so he doesn’t look like a bad guy. See I don’t play those games. I would be home recovering and if he tries some stupid immature shit I’m calling my family to come over and make him look like a complete ass.