Pickler triangle! My son got one at age 1, and at almost 3 he still plays with it. It's been a great investment for us
@Kristen what is it and where can I get it?
Pickler triangle!
@Kristen wanted to get one of these for my son, but we have no room
Do you have an indoor play ground? Like a chuckie cheese or jungle jacks? Toys r us sells large outdoor set ups but they're pricey
My daughter got foam blocks for her birthday and she loves it. I think it was purchased at Costco
Following this! My daughter wants to climb too but I'm scared about the pickler triangle to be honest. A lot of these climbable things are quite pricey. If anyone has any budget suggestions that'd be great
we got some foam wedges on amazon that you can build into a jungle gym or a little couch!