Advice please mamas!

I’m a SAHM to my 17 month old son, I’ve never left him with anyone but his dad for longer than 2 hours and it’s not a frequent occurrence. However today I went and got my lashes done so I was out for an hour and a half and when I came back he didn’t run up to me for a hug and some milk like he usually does. He went and ran to his dad and ran away from me, no smiles or hugs, almost like I was a stranger and he was scared. He’s very attached to me and doesn’t like me leaving him even with his dad but he’s fine after a few minutes after I’m gone and then usually runs straight to me for a cuddle once I’m back, so I just feel so guilty, like maybe he felt angry and abandoned I left? Idk does anyone know why he might have reacted that way? Or have any experience with this or a little one that did the same? I’m just soo confused by his reaction and it broke my heart 😭
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He’s getting to the age when they start to do this, it’s not uncommon. Also if he feels safe and loved with his dad, as he gets older he won’t always feel the need to run up to you after you’ve been out for a little while.

Sounds like he has a healthy secure attachment to you and dad :) I know it sucks but I think it’s a good sign ❤️❤️❤️ he knows you always come back and he knows he has daddy too, maybe he was just having fun with daddy? xx

@Claire @Kimberley he was being off with me for a good 10 mins after I got home, just staring at me while hugging his dad and didn’t want me near him, is that all normal then? It was just such a confusing reaction from him that I’ve never had before 😭

You said you got your lashes done, were they short before and super long after? Kids typically don't like change, so maybe that could be the difference? My son freaked out when my husband had to shave his beard off. He didn't want anything to do with him for several weeks until he got a good amount of stubble back.

My son did this around the same age when I dyed my hair. He was stand-offish for about an hour and then slowly warmed up again after we ate.

It sounds pretty normal. You say you don’t leave him often, so this behaviour maybe stand out to you more than someone who leaves them a little more. It’s doesn’t feel nice, and they will go through phases of having favourite parents but they’re only able to do that when they feel loved and safe, so I wouldn’t worry about it

Sometimes kids just do that and its great that he was happy with dad. My son was 18 months when he started being more okay with being with dad so maybe it's just that. Like others are saying it could be that something was different and he didn't know what to do, it will get better in time and it is okay to leave him with dad and let them bond.

Maybe he was confused by your lashes?

He won't know any different at the moment so he won't be 'angry' at you, it will be good for him to have time with dad/other people and not you 24/7 as creating separation anxiety for a child isnt good/healthy! Also it's good and healthy that he feels he can go to dad as well as you I know its sad but his not doing it to spite you!

My toddler is most attached to whoever she spends more time with that day. So during the week she wants very little to do with dad after work. She will still play with him and stuff but if I leave the room, she follows me. But during the weekend when he is around more and more the primary parent, she is obsessed with him and I am nothing lol

You need to learn to be ok to not be with your baby 24/7 because it’s actually unhealthy, for both of you. Baby needs to learn that it is safe to be without mama and mama needs to know that baby will be fine if you’re not with her. That’s his dad so he should feel safe with him and that’s normal so you should be happy. Go and live your life once in a while, baby will also grow up and learn to live his own life too. Being a mum is about understanding that our child’s life is not ours. He should be able to love others just as much as he loves you, and others should also be able to love him just as much as you do.

My toddler goes through different phases, she also wants to be with whoever she has spent that time with so when I come in it’s nana when dad comes in it’s mama if that makes sense

I think that they just don’t get excited to see us because we’re there ALL the time. They probably thought you were just in a different room. I totally agree with the secure attachment and maybe the scared part because your eyelashes were different.

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