As someone with psychotic features in my diagnosis I implore you to get admitted! You can’t do anything for anyone if you’re not okay! And it’s okay not to be okay. Sending love and absolutely no judgment. There’s light at the end of the tunnel I promise ❤️
You need to be as honest with your partner as you can be. It’s for your own safety and the safety of your child. I was right where you are, had I not been 100% honest with my husband so he knew to watch for more signs , things could’ve went a badly different way. I agree with the other comment, if you’re asking you already know you should. Especially if you’re lying to your partner, if you’re lying you know that something is really wrong. Talk with your doctor and hopefully they’ll put you on something to ease this but ignoring it isn’t going to help. You need to talk with a professional before it gets worse. I’m really sorry this is happening to you, I know it’s utterly terrible. PPD is still one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced and that happened to me years ago.
You’re a great mum for noticing this you should get the help you need baby can be happy as long as mum is the best thing you can do for your baby is get the help you need ❤️❤️
Your daughter needs you healthy and in the right mental state, so def go get the help you need. Especially if you're contemplating suicide and having phycosis. I'd rather see you go away and get better than potentially put yourself, your partner, and your child in danger, and you will not be in your right state of mind to realize it. Then you have to pay for it for the rest of your life. I sincerely wish you the best of luck. I'm glad you're reaching out, but please go to the hospital asap.
Yes, post partum psychosis should not be taken lightly. Ever see the doc "when the bough breaks". Its an older documentary but ppd and post partum psychosis needs to be taken seriously especially with the delusions and thoughts of suicide your having! Please get yourself some help, you don't want something happening to you or your baby.
I’ve been to a mental hospital twice and I have 5 kids. It’s the responsible thing to do for both of you. When people get sick they go to the doctor, think of it like that
Please get yourself admitted. Your daughter needs you mentally and physically healthy, and for that to happen, you need extra support and care more than you can receive at home. I suffered from severe PPD and PPA and was having auditory hallucinations. I was in floods of tears at the doctors as I begged for help. You are not alone. You are an amazing mum for recognising that you need help and wanting to ask for it. You'll be amazing while you get that help and amazing when you are back home again. Sending love ❤️
I’m going to say this with no judgement. If you’re asking if you should be admitted then you already know the answer. I know you’re worried about your daughter. But your daughter, is going to be fine. You need to help yourself first in this situation.