I quite like honour names for middle names. I guess for me a first name is the name you really like and a middle name serves a different purpose? My daughter has my mums name which was really important to me but I also love the name so lucked out! If I really hated it I’m not sure I’d use it, maybe pick something similar or the same letter even as a little nod, not sure 🤔
A little bit of both! Our first born is named after my grandmother who had passed just before. Our second is named after where we got married. If we have a boy his middle Will be after my husband’s grandfather and if we have another girl it’ll just be something we like
Both my children’s middles names are family members, my daughter is Helen Grace after my Nan and my partners Nan (even though everyone thinks it’s our old cat for Gracie 😅) and my son is Nigel John after my partners dad and my grandad but I always knew I wanted sentimental middle names xx
Our firstborn’s middle name is Charlie, after my brother, and I love that I honoured him and he was so thrilled that seeing his joy was definitely worth it. I don’t hate the name but it’s also not my favourite. My second is a girl, named Violet Bloom, it has no meaning other than the fact that I absolutely adore the name! It brings me so much joy and we get SO many compliments on it. I just love it. If I have more kids, I think I’d be more inclined to choose a name I love rather than just to honour someone. You should love your child’s name. If you can find a name you both love and honours someone, then that’s the dream!!
A bit of both! Myself and husband (although he changed his name as a teenager so doesn’t have them anymore) was both given middle names to honor grandparents. My husband didn’t get along with his as an adult and my grandma absolutely hated me for a weird reason. So we went with a name that we loved, thought was pretty and had a nice meaning and not family related x
i would do honorary but one i liked
I am struggling with this for my last baby. No family name I can think of sounds good with our last child’s first name. My first 3 have family middle names but I might not with my last because we just can’t think of something we really like that’s also a family name
I went with my grandparents' names for both my kids.
My daughter has my name as her middle name but really I don’t like it 😅 I had made a deal with her dad that if we were having a girl I’d choose first name and he’d choose middle… bad idea lol
We chose names from my family for our kids' middle names because they automatically got my husband's family name. I liked picking a middle name to honor people because it showed our love for these family members, but also it's a middle name and we never really use them anyway 😂 we chose names we loved for first names.
We have a family middle name that the first child of each generation inherits Francis/Frances. My daughter Ivy is the 7th generation to have Frances in the name. My mum died in 2020 and never got to meet her, so we have her name, Alison, as my daughter’s first middle name. They are both Alison Frances. I had to warm up to using Alison because I didn’t really like the name, but I can’t explain it, it’s just her. I call her Ivy Alison all the time.
It’s nice to honour someone if you want to, but if you don’t like the name then you could always find a nickname / shortened version of it to suit
I went for a middle name that was my great-grandad's name. It was more to honour for my Grandma & Auntie as he died when they were young but also, I liked the name (Patrick) & it sounds nice with his first name
Thanks for all the comments 🙂 I worry about offending my side of the family if I choose to honor someone on my husband’s side and vice versa. So I may just avoid honoring people all together. This naming process is definitely hard!
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My son has the same middle name as my dad and brothers it’s a family tradition but my oldest daughter has my mums name for her middle name and my other daughter has both of my nans names in her middle name
All my littles have 2 middle names. My oldest son has 2 honorary names. I'm one of 4 girls, and my son was the first born boy in 18 years into the family, so honouring my dad was a must for me. His second middle name is after my Pop, who never got to meet our babies. He was not my biological grandfather, but he loved us fiercely and was there from the start. My middle babes first middle name we chose just because we loved the way it sounded. His second middle name is an honorary name for my husbands dad. My third littles first middle name is just a name we (mainly me) loved with his first name and his second middle name is made up of my 3 sisters first initials and a mashup of his older brothers second middle names.
My son has a middle name I chose and liked a lot (but not the one I loved) and my daughter's middle name is after my spouse's paternal grandmother (although I chose the spelling.) He's so rarely sentimental that I'll almost always indulge him when he is 😅 I feel like we got a good balance
i just went with one i liked and that went with the first name well, no offence to any of mine or my partners family but i dont like any of there names🤣
We went with an honorary middle name and I reallyyyy dont like the name so I never use it. I feel bad bc for future kids we’ll be going with names we like and im probably going to use it so i feel my girl will be left out. Hopefully she likes it herself when she’s older