sunny side up

i went to my ob appointment and she’s head down but she’s sunny side up and i was told if she doesn’t flip there’s increased risk of tearing and in worse case a c section which would be bad because i have low iron. i’ve been doing a lot of back labor to try to get her to flip but im 38 weeks and getting way too close for this. what am i doing wrong?
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Nothing, she will flip on her own when she wants to. I also had low iron and needed a cesarean. It’s not as bad as it seems. I was terrified going into the OR but everything turned out okay. They just put me on an iron supplement post op

@Savanna i’m glad everything went good! my fiancée always tells me i stress myself out too much so it’s nice to hear from another mom that im overthinking it a little

Is your iron super low that your doctors are concerned should you need a c- section? I know my levels even with a prenatal with iron and an iron supplement was still super low that with my last pregnancy and this one that I've had to do iron infusions so there wouldn't be the increase risk of hemorrhaging after birth. Always an option to speak to your provider about. But I've had 2 sunny side up kiddos, it just made for a little longer labor process, but delivery wasn't too bad. I'll say i think having the epidural and being relaxed is helpful

Start an iron supplement and some magnesium to prevent constipation! I started iron a few weeks before my c section and did really well despite losing a lot of blood (expected given reason for c section). Also be sure to check any other meds you are taking to ensure they aren’t blood thinners (fish oil, aspirin, etc). Good luck!!

You're not doing anything wrong. My baby was sunny side up, he didn't flip so we didn't have to do cesarean after the 24 hour mark and I was low iron. They'll give you a blood transfusion if you lose too much blood during the cesarean

You definitely do not have to have a c section with a sunny side up baby. But they may have some bruising on their face when born so do not be worried! My daughter came out sunny side up and I didn't tear either 💗 have hope! My son flipped face down in the right position right before I pushed 🤣💗

Both my kids were sunny side up. Which caused intense excruciating pain in back. My first was born within 6 hours of starting contractions, 30 minutes of pushing. and my second within 3 hours with 3 minutes of pushing. I had a tear with my first but only one stitch was needed. I did not tear with my second. I had no other complications with either birth. Don’t let them scare you into anything. It’s possible to have birth with sunny side up baby. I did it twice. Of course there is always a risk with anything. Even when baby is in prime position. And my third is also this way, I’m due in a few days. I’m not worried at all. Just worried I’ll be pregnant forever.

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