My daughter doesn’t even speak yet she understands what you are saying to her. When we counting she will point so she is getting there
My daughter knows her colours pretty well, she knows the number 2 lol, she doesn't know any letters
@Zoe actually yeah he knows the number two. If I start counting he’ll always say two 😂
Mine seems quite ‘advanced verbally’ as he speaks in sentences sometimes and says just about everything, but he really struggles with these as well! He’s counted to 3 a handful of times but usually only to 2, he can say ABCDEGGG but I think it’s just copying singing, and anytime you ask him what color something is he says yellow 🤣
@Allie sounds like my little boy. I can have full conversations with him. He can say all of his colours and all of his number by repeating after me but if I started counting he wouldn’t say the number first and doesn’t say the correct colour when asked, his favourite one to say is pink. He hasn’t said any alphabet letters but I haven’t really tired. Maybe we just expect to much from them c
Yes exact same! And just saw your other comment above, mine is also obsessed with the number 2. I think they’ll have a huge leap in these things really soon. Going to try working on shapes with him over the next couple weeks and see how that goes because I haven’t gotten anywhere with colors or numbers
My boy understands so much, like way more than I expected him to at this age, but says hardly any of it! He doesn’t say any colours and only says the number one. 1 is “one”, 2 is “one one” and 3 is “one one one”😂
I was so worried about my son being behind but in just the last month he’s learnt to count to 10 and backwards from 5 and started to pick up colours as well. He doesn’t know animals/animal sounds and only knows the tune of the alphabet not the actual letters. I feel like there’s so much diversity in what children know at this stage. They’re due a HV review within the next 6 months so if you’re concerned perhaps bring it up then but I wouldn’t be overly worried. Children are sponges. I’m sure he knows more than he’s letting on x
My son can’t even talk yet, he understands what I’m saying to him mind.
My son doesn't even speak yet let alone know colours